The GTX 335 has no outputs of traffic and FIS-B, so these signals need to be added to the connected devices of the GNS430W and the FS210. The GTX345 adds two wires between it and the FS210 using RS422 port. This is to add the AHRS, TIS-B and FIS-B into the BT that already contains the flight plan transfer, GPS from the GNS430W. The GTX-345 also adds three wires to the GNS430W for ARINC 429 out and RS232 out. This adds the FIS-B and TIS-B data to display on the GNS 430W. Also, the GNS 430W will probably need an unmuted addition to the audio panel if it is not already there. How much labor is a function of what needs to come apart. Worst case is the FS210 is not located behind the panel, but is remote in the rear of the aircraft.