Grumpy Old Men, Part 2

And monkeys throw poo when they’re threatened. :)

Frost is a favorite, but the poem only applies to some things. Getting up every day intending to crap your pants in public, is certainly the road less travelled, and probably not a great idea.

I’d prefer they properly socialize that screwed up kid with dogs instead of enabling the phobia. They already know the kid has a serious problem.

Take the kid to the local dog trainer and explain the problem, and most dog trainers could both figure out a number of great dogs to have the kid meet, and figure out what the parents are doing to enhance the kid’s problem.

Most dog trainers spend more time training humans than training dogs. Dogs are easy compared to their idiot owners. Honest dog trainers will even admit it.

We laughed when we realized our dog trainer was using the exact same techniques on the human owners as the dogs... ignoring the humans when they were purposefully misbehaving, correcting their behavior, praising them when they handled their dogs correctly... funny stuff once you caught on...

“I think Ted growled at me today...”, “Oh definitely, you deserved it too!”... as we’d both laugh about it in the car going home.
I’m certain that leash laws should be obeyed. If obeying leash laws bothers folks well thats too bad.
I’m certain that leash laws should be obeyed. If obeying leash laws bothers folks well thats too bad.

And while I don’t disagree, I’m certain that they won’t.

So better the parent who will never ever have full control over that, figure out what the hell has gone wrong in the training of their young monkey...
And while I don’t disagree, I’m certain that they won’t.

So better the parent who will never ever have full control over that, figure out what the hell has gone wrong in the training of their young monkey...
I see it very differently. If the dog is off a leash then it is in danger. The dog owner is the one who needs trained.
I see it very differently. If the dog is off a leash then it is in danger. The dog owner is the one who needs trained.

It’s is, and I said I didn’t disagree with you.

The monkey trainer also needs to train their monkey properly.

The two are not mutually exclusive.

One might even say the monkey trainer needs to try a lot harder than the dog trainer. Dog can be replaced.

Most people take losing their little spawn monkeys a lot harder.
We are dog lovers. However, my daughter panics and runs away if she sees a dog without a leash coming towards her . She will even run across the street without looking for traffic. If you were in my shoes, would you blame your daughter, or the person walking the dog without a leash?

Neither, I would blame the parent.
My pup Jackson always makes sure I’m on a leash when we go out. He got too many complaints from neighbors that I was trying to hump their women. :D

In all seriousness though, when the wife and I walk either our pup or one of the rescue fosters, they are always on a leash when in neighborhood environments. We have a small fenced in backyard where they run free plus we take them to the occasional dog park though that is rare. There are also some seldom used trails in a couple of parks that we go to where we let Jackson run free when the chance of conflict is very low. However the fosters always remain on leash. When we have Jackson out in public venues with a lot of people, we keep him on a short leash. He doesn’t bother anyone.

The real problem is that everyone wants to come up and pet him. He attracts a lot of attention. I always warn folks though that he has been known to try to lick people to death and if you get your face too close to his, you can expect him to plant one on your lips or even between your lips. The dude is quick.:p

But we leash for a few important reasons. One, it’s the law. Two, we don’t want others to feel uncomfortable. Three, although we know he will always return to us, we fear that he will see a squirrel or cat and give chase which could lead to him running across the street and we have some folks (mostly young punks) who zip through the neighborhood pretty quickly. We’ve been working on his impulse control in this regard and have had some success but we still think the leash is the best control.

Bottom line, there is a time and a place for being on leash and for off leash. Be responsible. Use some sense.

Also teach your kids not to fear dogs.
If my dog can be aggressive towards other dogs and I have my dog on a leash and your unleashed dog comes up to my dog and my dog bites your dog...
The leash rule is actually protecting both animals brcause mine may hurt yours and I will have to put mine down when you tell the popo that my dog bit your dog.

^That. My pittie doesn't particularly like other dogs. I keep her leashed to protect HER not you or your dog. If your dog-friendly dog comes over to say Hi to my not-so-dog-friendly pebble and gets bit, guess who gets blamed? The pit bull of course. When it should be YOU for not having your dog leashed.
Ravioli confession time -

While I conform to driving rules and advocate for everyone else doing the same, I'm a scofflaw as a dog owner.

I routinely walk Autumn off leash, I don't confine her at the hangar, I don't even have a fenced yard at home anymore and she goes out solo to do her business, and on commercial flights I let her out of her carrier between the meal service and preparing for landing.

Just before writing this I took her for her morning stroll around the hotel. I carry her leash but only put it on her when another dog is in sight. Last night there was a couple kids (like 10yrs old) walking a pug that was pulling at its leash. I strapped Autumn up, gave them a very wide berth, and after rounding the corner took her leash back off for the remainder of the walk.
It's as bad taking a dog to the vet. Our mastiff will walk in and sit right next to us, no barking, no jumping, no BS. While some of the other dogs bark non-stop or claw and jump, no manners at all. If they bother my mastiff I ask them to control their dog. Mary and I believe their kids most likely act the same way. If there is the barking dog I'll usually ask if they ever spent the time to teach the quiet command. This gets a scowl from my bride and a stupid look from most owners. The back of the head slap, from my bride, follows when we get in the SUV to leave. o_O
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That grumpy old duffer spent his life following the stupid rules and laws that the rest of you dillweeds imposed on him. He never saw the need for a leash law, or a 55mph speed limit, or any of a multitude of other unnecessary and foolish laws and regulations. He did his best to work against the ignorance, and he lost.

You damn well better follow the rules, and he's there to see that you do. Life's a wheel. What comes round, goes round.
Keeping a dog on a leash in a public area,makes people who fear dogs,more relaxed.

This. And to take it a step further, no one thinks their dog is aggressive, but the guy with an aggressive dog will see yours w/o a leash and it plants the seed that he doesn't need a leash either. A bad situation for everyone.
Applies to humans too. LOL.
It does indeed, even more so. But I stand by what I said. No one really knows what a dog will do off its leash. There are more pet serpents in the United States than pet dogs, but there are far far more dog attacks. According to the CDC there were 4 and a half million of them between 2001 and 2003. And the number appears to be rising.
It's as bad taking a dog to the vet. Our mastiff will walk in and sit right next to us, no barking, no jumping, no BS. While some of the other dogs bark non-stop or claw and jump, no manners at all. If they bother my mastiff I ask them to control their dog. Mary and I believe their kids most likely act the same way. If there is the barking dog I'll usually ask if they ever spent the time to teach the quiet command. This gets a scowl from my bride and a stupid look from most owners. The back of the head slap, from my bride, follows when we get in the SUV to leave. o_O

Hahaha. Why does she slap you? It’s an honest question. :)

Our big boy stopped bothering with his long recall training when we moved to the country. He figured out I won’t chase him down over the two acres he has to play in. Hahaha. He can be a prick because he’s smart like that. LOL.

(He and his adopted sister are always in harnesses when we go anywhere, for the record. They’ve just gotten too used to roaming inside our fenced acreage and have no idea about crowded city parks or anything like that, which they don’t visit often anymore.)

She is the barker but only in the car and at home. The dog who was a rescue and so scared to even get in a vehicle to go anywhere that she used to drool gallons and hide under the big dog, now thinks she’s pretty hot stuff and barks at anything that comes near “her” car or house. I guess she’s decided we’re worth “protecting” although her MO is to bark and back up and keep backing up. Hahaha.

They’re both idiots but both have at least some training. His was formal (he’s a show off ... wouldn’t always do his tricks at home but won honors in his obedience graduation test - he prefers an audience) and hers was a combination of home training and her watching him. She figured out pretty quick if she didn’t do what he was doing, she didn’t get her treat.

Which, of course was how I was raised. Keep acting up you aren’t getting or doing the thing we’re here to get or do... we’ll happily toss your butt in the car and go home. Like the pup’s training they also stopped everything for a correction immediately and never did that crap I see tons of parents doing now where they act like they don’t know their own spawn is running amok through a business and they just stand there ignoring it. Eff those people.

Of course you can get them all riled up if YOU go correct their spawn, which I’ve done and laughed at them when they acted indignant after coming out of their self-induced la-la land. “If you’re not going to tell him to not stand on tables in a restaurant, I certainly will.” Then just smile and nod at their self-important tirade about how they thought that was inappropriate or whatever dumb crap they come up with as an excuse.

These “Grumpy Old Men” threads put me in one hell of a mood.

Ohhhhhhh. ;)
Keeping a dog on a leash in a public area,makes people who fear dogs,more relaxed.


We had to put our dog down this year, but she was a good, kind dog and she looked it. WE knew this, people that live around us didn't. We live in area that there are many people from other cultures and some of these see dogs as "unclean" and often their kids are afraid of dogs. You can see it even when walking the dog while its on a leash, the look in the eyes of fear, and sidling away, trying to make sure they don't get in range.

They have a right to walk out on the sidewalk without being afraid some unclean beast is going to bite them. Also, even though I'm sure the OP isn't one of them, but a lot of dog owners really have a non-reality based assesment of their own dogs obedience, and even temperament.

One person in our neighborhood in a wheelchair has a black lab that is totally out of control, and when he rolls through and sees people shying away, YELLS at them "stupid, this dog is no danger!! I have control". He really doesn't, and though the dog doesn't seem violent, it is way too unruly and unpredictable for folks that are afraid of them.
Anyone asks if my dog bites I tell them he hasn't yet. I'm fairly certain my little Phyzzbyn wouldn't bite anyone, she hasn't even bitten me. My boy dog not so much. Still, they go nowhere without being on leash.

Heck, I've been attacked by dogs that were on a leash.

We had to put our dog down this year, but she was a good, kind dog and she looked it. WE knew this, people that live around us didn't. We live in area that there are many people from other cultures and some of these see dogs as "unclean" and often their kids are afraid of dogs. You can see it even when walking the dog while its on a leash, the look in the eyes of fear, and sidling away, trying to make sure they don't get in range.

They have a right to walk out on the sidewalk without being afraid some unclean beast is going to bite them. Also, even though I'm sure the OP isn't one of them, but a lot of dog owners really have a non-reality based assesment of their own dogs obedience, and even temperament.

One person in our neighborhood in a wheelchair has a black lab that is totally out of control, and when he rolls through and sees people shying away, YELLS at them "stupid, this dog is no danger!! I have control". He really doesn't, and though the dog doesn't seem violent, it is way too unruly and unpredictable for folks that are afraid of them.

You need to move to a better neighborhood.