

Line Up and Wait
Feb 14, 2005
Indiana, US
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Mike B.
Is ticking me off. For whatever reason the FAA can't handle the load on their server and it's running slower than the old PoA site - no, actually, it's unusable. I don't have time in the evening or early morning to sit and filll this stupid site out and my medical is this Friday. At this rate I'm going to have to take the turbo medical copy with me...
Breaking news. It's fixed this Afternoon. The oracle server as initially setup had to omany indexes. To do data validation, it was being tied up by searching and timing out. Their sysop just shut most of that searching down.

It should work much better tonight. I just got three medicals imported and reported, just under the 14 day deadline. Sigh.

The person I spoke to was pretty competent....he was tasked by the head of certification to "GET IT TO WORK". It's been 10 hard days.
At this rate I'm going to have to take the turbo medical copy with me...
:eek: Been there, done that, got the t-shirt, I feel for you. Dr. B, they still aren't getting the message. After 30 minutes of "negotiation" at my last class 2 a couple of weeks ago, they finally allowed me to do what the policy says to do.
:eek: Been there, done that, got the t-shirt, I feel for you. Dr. B, they still aren't getting the message. After 30 minutes of "negotiation" at my last class 2 a couple of weeks ago, they finally allowed me to do what the policy says to do.
Tried to load the page, my medical is due in Nov, and got this:

Safari could not open the page “” because the server stopped responding.

Tried to load several times...
Bill try again tomorrow and post here. It seems I have a direct line to their database guy......
Finally, just after 5PM eastern I got in and got finished. My AME's office was pretty adamant about me getting that done before Friday! *whew*
That is why, if you have something that may be dicey, I advocate Turbomedical (AOPA). It takes the AME more time though, and costs a bit more.
Tried to load the page, my medical is due in Nov, and got this:

Safari could not open the page “” because the server stopped responding.

Tried to load several times...

Tip, is on a secure server, you must type the https:// before typing the url!
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