@denverpilot ... just how much time did you spend playing WoW?
Actually, almost none. Friends were so horribly addicted to it, I could see it and realize I simply couldn't make or even have that much free time to stare at a game.
Not that I haven't wasted copious amounts of my life on other things, just not WoW.
Radio hobby? If I get started contesting again, that's my drug of choice. 2006 & 2007 top score Rocky Mtn Division unlimited "rover" class in the ARRL June VHF contest. Have photos around here of the 12' antenna mast on the Jeep with stacked square loops on 50 MHz, and long Yagis for 144 MHz, 222 MHz, 432 MHz, 1.2 GHz, and a manually aimable 3' dish in a Christmas tree stand for the roof of the Jeep, for 10 GHz. It was 12' because there was one train trestle I needed to go under at 13' 2" to get to a hilltop south of Cheyenne WY for that grid square.
Three days of driving, parking, operating, logging then on to the next Maidenhead grid square. A stop for a hearty breakfast and a gallon of truck stop coffee was usually somewhere near Akron on Sunday morning at about 1 AM.
I have refused to build a new mast that fits the bumper hitch of the Yukon just because I know if I do, it'll turn into even bigger insanity this time. Might start taking one of the TV vans or trucks out, though. The fixed stations have asked if I'd go. I gave dad's van to a ham group who had three, and they eventually suggested that we donate dad's to a group in New Mexico. I knew if I kept it, it would turn into a $15,000 toy box plus it needed a new engine eventually.