Ground clutter foot print expanded?


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 24, 2005
Montgomery County PA
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Adam Zucker
Today is hot and humid in the Philly area. I was looking at the Radar and noticed that the normally small ground clutter area around the Ft. Dix Radar was really rather big today. The same with the radar ground clutter on the Dover AFB radar. There is no rain in the area. Does the humidity or heat expand the ground clutter foot print? Ive attached a picture.


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A few weeks ago I logged onto the NOAA site, pulled up the Radar for Pittsburgh area and was stunned.

There was purple-pink from OH into Western PA -- wow!!

Batten down the hatches!!!:yikes:

A minute later it refreshed -- same size, same movement, but the purple-pink was now blue-green.
When I visited the Flight Service Center in Lansing they explained that when there is not a lot on radar they adjust the sensitivity which brings up the additional noise.
Usually around 10 dbz reflects actual precip, although there are certain exceptions.

I was doing forecasts for the Air Force in Florida and the F-16's would commonly drop chaff on the east coast. I ended up getting used to it, but the first time I saw the bright reds showing up on the radar it shocked me a little to say the least.

That looks a lot like Clear-Air mode. When there's nothing out there to see, they put it into clear air mode, and that's what you usually get. You see that a lot on clear nights.
Departing W-B approach control yesterday the controller advised me there was "An area of moderate precipitation directly in fornt of you about a mile wide."

I replied, "Well, the XM confirms what I'm seeing -- severe clear except for a few valleys with fog."

The next controller had radar problems so couldn't confirm/deny the previous controller's observation.

Perhaps the gain was up too high? Or was the low-level fog messing with the signal?