Great Weather in the Morning...


Nov 29, 2014
Juneau, AK
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Fog, Fog, Fog...:(
Guess I'll sleep in..
PAJN 290425Z 2904/2924 24005KT P6SM MIFG FEW004
TEMPO 2904/2908 1/2SM FG
FM290800 00000KT 1/4SM FG OVC002
FM292000 00000KT P6SM FEW002 BKN100=

PAJN 291432Z 2915/3012 09004KT 1/4SM FG VV002
FM292000 12004KT 2SM BR SCT002 BKN100
FM300000 09004KT 4SM BR FEW004 BKN100
FM300600 08003KT 1/2SM FG VV002=

SPECI PAJN 291530Z 00000KT 1/4SM R08/1600V1800FT FG
VV002 01/01 A3043 RMK AO2 T00060006 $=
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And you call yourself an Alaska pilot....:lol::lol::lol:

We called those days whiskey fronts. Time to sit at home and drink whiskey.....:lol:

But once that back fired on us. Out in Kotz, weather was almost zero zero. And forecast to be that way all day. So by 10am all flights were cancelled and we went home for the day. In an hour we were in no condition to walk, much less fly. Then we heard an airplane fly over, out bound. We looked at each other, then I threw the curtain open, and what do I see..?? CAVU weather.....:yikes:

The chief pilot called us and asked if we were in any condition to fly. Nope, not now..... CP says ok, I'll be there in a minute and join you....