The only thing that will slow the oil consumption is Money!!!
And there wasn't some sort of magic oil additive that you could have added to prevent this? Cough cough.
I am thinking the only way I am gonna see Eds bird is to fly up and see it. I realize i just opened myself up to something there. Are you going to keep her Ed, or is she still for sale?
And of course, now that you guys have moved it way to the east... I still have the plane.
Leslie and I will be there, but in the 182 instead of the Bonanza. So we may be a little bit late.
:Especially if all of Tim's friends show like they did last time!
At first I was
Then I was
Finally I was
On a more serious note i have heard aircraft parking can be an issue but it is hard to see that from a google earth overhead view. I can't say for sure because I have never been there.
There are supposed to be 4 tiedowns on the museum apron somewhere across runway 18/36 from the FBO.
Should have said more than four near the fbo. The museum is another storyThere are far far more than 4, and you can always park on the aprons in front of the hangars. Parking is not a problem unless there is a show, and I think we are too early for that.
I am out on Sunday. I have a trip to Fort Wayne already scheduled. But I do agree that Saturday is starting to look iffy.Well it's Thursday and not too early to say it... the wx for Saturday morning is looking unflyable in anything but a FIKI bird, and maybe not even then. We'll be on the backside of a low bringing snow showers and maybe even a little accumulation across the area Friday night into Saturday morning.
Any thoughts to a "rain day"? Or even to rescheduling now? Sunday does look better.
Like I said, definitely no IFR over Lake Erie tomorrow...Here's the Prog chart for tomorrow at 1800Z (issued at 1917Z). Not looking good for Port Clinton. I've also included the temps at 3000'. About -5*C.