Taxi to Parking
I might be up for Sunday, but not feeling warm and fuzzy about 11:00.
Yeah, that's 10:00 here... A bit too early for lunch! And the Super Bowl happens at the same time in all time zones - 2330Z.
I might be up for Sunday, but not feeling warm and fuzzy about 11:00.
I might be able to make it for Sunday, just have to see if a rental is available and if the weather will hold out.
Liz, you need to buy a used snow blower
I think there is a hole in her hangar
With what shall we mend it?
No, I need to find a way to bribe the snow crew to actually do their job right. A snow blower would just make the job of setting them up to plow me in a little easier. It really doesn't matter what I do, short of cleaning the entire hangar row myself. By the time they're done with my ramp area there's a ridge of ice a couple inches thick and 1-2 feet wide right in front of my door.Liz, you need to buy a used snow blower
Who is Trey Radel?I hear Trey Radel's available. He can probably be bought pretty cheap these days.
Hangar roof has a hole. Snow falls through the hole. If the temp rises to near freezing inside (the sun will do that), the snow melts and then refreezes when the temp falls back to "normal" (this winter's normal, that is).How does a tail ice up while inside a hangar?
Nobody important, apparently!Who is Trey Radel?
Hangar roof has a hole. Snow falls through the hole. If the temp rises to near freezing inside (the sun will do that), the snow melts and then refreezes when the temp falls back to "normal" (this winter's normal, that is).
No clue. There actually is an old hole in my hangar roof that someone slid a piece of siding into. It sheds water and snow nicely. When the wind howls the snow blows in through the doors enough to deposit snow on the wings of the Arrow
My monthly rent is supposed to cover the upkeep of the hangar structure and roofing. There's no way I'm going to go out and buy a ladder and some roofing and do their job for them. I wouldn't be surprised if it was against something in the contract anyway.
My monthly rent is supposed to cover the upkeep of the hangar structure and roofing. There's no way I'm going to go out and buy a ladder and some roofing and do their job for them. I wouldn't be surprised if it was against something in the contract anyway.
I don't want to make more of a big thing of this than it might be... I just discovered the roof problem about 3 weeks ago, and mentioned it to the management immediately. The last time I was there was a week later and I could still see daylight through the roof. It's possible that they've fixed it by now, but if not, considering the brutal temperatures we've been having, I wouldn't be too upset about it.Maybe a friendly letter from your lawyer would light a fire under 'em... After all, their lack of maintenance is depriving you the use of your plane!
Not that I'm in favor of doing that, but it sounds like you've had this problem for a while, and presumably you've asked nicely several times...
Any one coming from the Columbus, Ohio area for this who would want to do bring a Pilots and Paws stow away with them to Indy?
Yeah, that's why I used to drive out in the snow to shovel it all away from the doors. Shoveling is slower than a snowblower, but better exercise.Liz,
I use my snow blower to get the snow away from the hangar doors so when they do plow it doesn't block the door.
That's actually a good idea. I've never owned a waterbed so I have no idea how much a heating pad like that would cost. Hmmm....Not the only way. Easy enough to make a large melting pad. On my back patio, I take an old waterbed heater pad, plug it in and toss it down. Melts everything away underneath it in a hurry. Of course, it's small, and needs to be moved, but it would be easy enough to make one larger. Put up some plow flags, lay the mat down and never worry about ice again.
That's actually a good idea. I've never owned a waterbed so I have no idea how much a heating pad like that would cost. Hmmm....
I managed to get one leaf of my hangar door open about 6' only to realize it now wouldn't open or close. Finally got it closed and headed home
Up here though, not necessarily.It's ok hopefully the rain and temps will melt everything