Great Grandma 100 years old

Cool stuff. Those of us fortunate enough to have centenarians in our families always have to remember to spend time with them, to appreciate them.

I spoke with my Grandmother-in-law last night- she turns 101 next month!
Well Tony , Wish her a happy birthday for me too. And hope she has many more.
Dave G
had a great evening visiting with granny. her husband died at 100 11/12 after 76 years of marriage. i spent a few minutes looking at whats left of her 80 yr old wedding ring. time wears that kind of stuff out.
My paternal grandfather lived to 106, my grandmother (his wife) to 99, my maternal grandmother to 98. I loved hearing them talk about life in their prime. It made me appreciate not only what we have now, but also how different a world our grandchildren will live in.

I especially liked their stories about the "german mafia" in Cincinnati in the old days. I wish I'd recorded some of those conversations. They'd make the basis for some excellent books.