Great flight today


Gastons CRO (Chief Dinner Reservation Officer)
Mar 9, 2005
Wichita, KS
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Had a "Discovery Flight" scheduled for late this afternoon. A couple of middle aged guys showed up with one of the guys son. Kid was 8 years old and obviously REALLY into airplanes. He had his die cast toy airplanes with him and everything. I was happy to report that we would be flying a Cessna just like his toy model. I grabbed a cushion and preflighted a 172 with a vertically adjustable pilots seat so the kid could see out. Old guys in the back, and me and the youngster up front. Kid was very well behaved, even handed me my checklist when asked! Immediate big smiles after a smooth takeoff. Up to a couple thousand feet and it was "do you wanna fly?" "SURE!!" kid was a pretty good stick! I showed him how to bank left and right and what level looked like. i handled the trim and power to keep the altitude halfway level. guys in the back got some great pics of the kid flying and me with my hands in the air :) Anyway it was one of my favorite "first" airplane flights so far, and the kid had a great time. I think he will have something to talk about at school for a while :)


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Tony, that's great! What a nice smile he has! He's probably STILL smiling! And he will always remember his flight with you. :yes: That's part of the reason I enjoy giving Young Eagle flights so much. Everybody wins. :)
Awesome Tony. I remember my 1st flight out at Kitty Hawk when I was 13. My dad also went up with me but he sat in the back.

Did you notice that the kids jacket matched the plane?
Tony, Kudos for leaving a smile that will be there for some time.
Hot diggity dam! You done good! :yes:

Call him once a year for the next 8 years, because we have a future pilot there! :)

BTW, I'm sure Ed really appreciates your hat in that photo, if he'll notice it past that kid's grin! (Hey, what happened to his hands? It wasn't COLD, was it? :) )
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I am glad to see you got the thin airfoil code done so you could have a profound effect on this youngster. I suspect he has officialy caught the aviation bug. Good work!
I am glad to see you got the thin airfoil code done so you could have a profound effect on this youngster. I suspect he has officialy caught the aviation bug. Good work!

what makes you think that i got my thin airfoil code done? due date got pushed back to friday, which means that you, Uhl, and I will finish it up tomorrow night over beer in ABQ :)
Thats awesome Tony!! Fun experiences like that are why we get into flying and it also helps remind us why we started.

I've helped coordinate young eagle flights and I've seen smiles very similar to his. Talk about rewarding!
Watch out, Tony! I see someone in that photo who wants to take over your job soon!:yes:

Great job, getting another hapless soul addicted!:D
Cool stuff, Tony. You will remember that flight for many years to come, and that smile is priceless. I still remember mine:


Very cool, Tony. :)
Great job, Tony. I think I still smile like that whenever I get out of an airplane... it never goes away!
You gotta love the smile that comes across their face when they realize that they're flying the plane. Priceless.