I got my PPL just over 10 years ago in a beater rental with only basic gauges, 10 miles east of the Dallas Class B. You could flip a coin on whether or not both VOR receivers would work at the same time, and ADF INOP was always a safe bet. I learned to fly long XC's with sectionals, VOR's, and my Mark I eyeballs. Shortly after my checkride I bought a Garmin 196 handheld (back when they were new and still cost $1k) and loved it, started flying direct, but still kept following sectional maps as I went and checking VOR's in route. Old habits are hard to kill and occasionally come in handy.
About two months ago my uncle bought a C-172 up in Maine, and I flew it back to west Texas for him. It had a hard IFR panel installed, including KLN94, KMD550, and 2-axis AP. I flew the first half of that 3-day trip the way I knew how, by VOR and sectional, while I figured out the new toys in the panel. I love it now, don't get me wrong, and I fly it A LOT, but I still tune the VOR's and keep a sectional out. If the magic electrons quit moving one day, I'll be the guy with a smile on his face saying "Huh, how 'bout that?" B)