The GPS isn't failing, it's being purposefully sabotaged by agents of the federal govt. If you don't know the diff, well that's a completely different discussion.
Sorry Doc, you're probably wrong on this one.
There's a large GPS test facility in Alamagordo that simulates a full GPS cluster inside a big building built as a Farraday cage.
While this *particular* announcement may or may not be intentional jamming, it's centered on the building.
They've been issuing NOTAMs during large scale vendor interop tests in that building for many years. A friend was there a couple of years ago for interop testing of various APCO Project 25 radio systems that all had GPS capabilities.
Big room. Bunch of vendors standing around, mostly waiting for extremely detailed test results as the techs "mess with" the simulated GPS satellite cluster.
He mentioned that two vendor's receiver chipsets in particular would remain in a "gps signal ok" status and provide accurate readings many many dB of noise below everyone else's. All the other chipsets gave up and unlocked.
He shared who, but the tests are secret so I'm not saying.
Let's just say, stick with the big name brands if you want a receiver that'll pull out signals when you're in sub-basement 3 and your dispatcher is sending help.
OTOH, both Raytheon and someone else are both doing field trials of wide area jammers also. Raytheon's tests were in the Southeast south of Georgia.
The other company (I forget - Army contract - truck-based) used the area southeast of Colorado Springs. We had NOTAMs on that one, too. Haven't seen any more of those NOTAMs for a while now.
Anyway, point is, sometimes they're worried about the effects of testing leaking out of the NM test building and not meaning for it to intentionally do so.
Gotta test somewhere.
I don't think it has much to do with the border. But hell, maybe. Fire up the "test lab" giant cover story anytime you want to confuse the mules leading the group's?
Pretty far fetched. But certainly not beyond the stupidity of our government.