Gotta brag about my Cherokee 6


Line Up and Wait
Sep 27, 2018
N Central FL and GTC Bahamas when off work
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ATP-H, CMEL, CSEL, CFI/CFII Airplanes and Helicopters
I have owned a Cherokee 6/ 260 since October and with each flight I am becoming more and more amazed with it's capabilities.

Sure, it's not super fast, but for what I need it to do, it is amazing. I only fly "happy IFR" which is simply poking through a layer or two on my trips and have zero need to push the weather.

My "milk run" flight is 335nm one way. It's a 680nm round trip which includes a stop on the return trip to clear into customs. My average taxi and flight time on the tach is 5.6 hours. The worst time I have turned this flight in was 5.9 and the best has been 5.2. That is running at 65% power.

Doing the math, I come out at a average speed of 121 kts. and a fuel burn of 12.7 GPH. That is with ground taxi time and 3 climbs at 25 squared to altitude.

The whole time I am able to cram 993 lbs in the aircraft with full fuel tanks and take that more than 6.6 hours! On my most recent trip, I logged 5.7 hours on the tach and put 72.7 gallons in the tanks. That means I had better than an hour left of fuel using my JPI calculations.

On an interesting note related to the JPI, I have found that it is amazingly accurate as long as you back it up with a stopwatch. I purposely ran one of my tip tanks to calculated exhaustion and watched the JPI flow "increase" just before my calculation showed empty. Switching tanks was no issue.

I'd be hesitant to find another single engine that can do the same.
I have flown in the 300 version.... I can understand the love you have for the plane... and the barn door for the rear entry...
For flatland short hops like that, the 260 is def the best bang for the buck on that UL category.
I have owned a Cherokee 6/ 260 since October and with each flight I am becoming more and more amazed with it's capabilities.

Sure, it's not super fast, but for what I need it to do, it is amazing. I only fly "happy IFR" which is simply poking through a layer or two on my trips and have zero need to push the weather.

My "milk run" flight is 335nm one way. It's a 680nm round trip which includes a stop on the return trip to clear into customs. My average taxi and flight time on the tach is 5.6 hours. The worst time I have turned this flight in was 5.9 and the best has been 5.2. That is running at 65% power.

Doing the math, I come out at a average speed of 121 kts. and a fuel burn of 12.7 GPH. That is with ground taxi time and 3 climbs at 25 squared to altitude.

The whole time I am able to cram 993 lbs in the aircraft with full fuel tanks and take that more than 6.6 hours! On my most recent trip, I logged 5.7 hours on the tach and put 72.7 gallons in the tanks. That means I had better than an hour left of fuel using my JPI calculations.

On an interesting note related to the JPI, I have found that it is amazingly accurate as long as you back it up with a stopwatch. I purposely ran one of my tip tanks to calculated exhaustion and watched the JPI flow "increase" just before my calculation showed empty. Switching tanks was no issue.

I'd be hesitant to find another single engine that can do the same.
Congrats! The six is a great plane!
For flatland short hops like that, the 260 is def the best bang for the buck on that UL category.

I couldn't imagine trying to fly this thing in the mountains.

The other day I was asked to climb from 5000 to 9000' while at almost gross weight. I didn't want to sacrifice too much speed so I pitched the nose up for 110 IAS and told Miami center that I would have a slow climb. After what seemed like eternity, Miami called me and asked me if I was "still planning on going to 9000'." I told him I would get there eventually!
I couldn't imagine trying to fly this thing in the mountains.

The other day I was asked to climb from 5000 to 9000' while at almost gross weight. I didn't want to sacrifice too much speed so I pitched the nose up for 110 IAS and told Miami center that I would have a slow climb. After what seemed like eternity, Miami called me and asked me if I was "still planning on going to 9000'." I told him I would get there eventually!

It'll fly just fine in the mountains. But like all piston aircraft in that environment you want to keep it light, not near gross. The benefit of the Six is the useful load is so high, even keeping it light still means a reasonable payload.
Currently looking to partner with a fellow POAer that has a Cherokee 6 300. I flew with him this past Sunday and I really like it, so I think I'm going to take it on. Really nice planes.
Is that the one with the tan leather seats? I remember seeing pics last fall, it is nice!

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The look on my wife's face says it all - that's her "these seats are horrible" look. The club seating is not too bad. Most of the time we fly with 4 people so the two back seaters stretch out.

That would also be a mini fridge in the backseat too!
The look on my wife's face says it all - that's her "these seats are horrible" look. The club seating is not too bad. Most of the time we fly with 4 people so the two back seaters stretch out.

That would also be a mini fridge in the backseat too!

Blue exterior, red boudoir interior? Hmmmm, time for some seat covers and carpet paint. :D

Love that load ya'll can haul.
You could almost stuff eman's Mooney in there. :)
Blue exterior, red boudoir interior? Hmmmm, time for some seat covers and carpet paint. :D

Love that load ya'll can haul.

It's on the list of things to do. 2019's budge was blown on ADS-B compliance and it's first annual.

My wife said there would no way she would want to take a black light to the plane's interior. lol
Never been in one, but God I love the look of that plane, always have
@k9medic has a fridge in his six! Style.

I was looking at 6s to haul my family of 5, but I don’t know that they would come with me and a lot of my flying would likely be me or one other on short hops for fun.

I’m envious brothers.
@k9medic has a fridge in his six! Style.

I was looking at 6s to haul my family of 5, but I don’t know that they would come with me and a lot of my flying would likely be me or one other on short hops for fun.

I’m envious brothers.

I have the same issue.... maybe 6 trips a year with everyone. Otherwise it’s just me. Hard to justify flying empty, but I own it now so.... if I had a do over, idprob buy a RV9 or Sea Rey
I have the same issue.... maybe 6 trips a year with everyone. Otherwise it’s just me. Hard to justify flying empty, but I own it now so.... if I had a do over, idprob buy a RV9 or Sea Rey
that's exactly why I sold my Six......for the Bo. ;)
If it was not for the fact that I must have the ability to "tanker fuel" (I fly to the Bahamas about twice a month)....

I hate you........I mean that in the most endearing way. I’m available for adoption you know. I can cook and clean real good too.