Got the need for SPEED AND ANGLES?

darn i thought it was something about geometry
This review about the persistence of the pilots was good:

Check the link out also...

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Aero-Movie Review: 'Speed And Angels'
Tue, 20 Feb '07
Independent Film Shown At WAI
by ANN Correspondent Aleta Vinas
Passion! No, not the XXX kind... rather, the kind that
definition, that drives you to achieving your goal no
matter what the
roadblock. That passion is the aura of "Speed and Angels",
which was
shown last Thursday evening to a standing room only crowd
at the Women
in Aviation International Conference in Orlando, FL.

The independently-produced film by Spellbound Productions
is currently
available on DVD. There is hope for a big screen release.
"Speed and Angels" is like Top Gun on steroids because it
is TRUE. The
movie is what reality TV wishes it could be.
Two-and-a-half years is boiled down to about two hours in
documentary. The story follows Jay (callsign "Faceshot")
and Meagan
("Slick") "getting jets". Both qualified to become fighter
pilots in the
Navy F-14 Tomcat, which was recently retired. Meagan will
have the
distinction of being the last female to pilot the Tomcat.
The movie rotates back and forth between Jay's trials and
and Meagan's. Much of the story unfolds with the two during
their Navy
time. Then there are the very heart warming parts that take
place in the
pilot's homes and hometowns. One scene has Jay home on
leave being
honored by the local VFW for his efforts and his awe at
being in the
presence of the older vets.
Neither pilot had it easy, as the movie shows. "No" and
"you can't" are
frequent players in the script, and watching Jay and Meagan
face down
each negative brings out the cheering instinct for them.

The adventures on the ground do take back seat to the
amazing aerial
adventures. Cockpit and aircraft mounted cameras in
addition to a
modified Lear catch the dogfight action and bring you into
the cockpit.
Pop the popcorn, grab your drink of choice and push play...
you will
feel the need for speed.

Plese give me a geometry lesson so I can get the joke!
Nevermind... slow reader here...
Good one, Tony.

Dave, the title of your thread is "Speed and Angles" not "Speed and Angels" I was thinking stall speeds vs. bank angles when I first saw it.
Dave, the title of your thread is "Speed and Angles" not "Speed and Angels" I was thinking stall speeds vs. bank angles when I first saw it.

Tell me about it!
At least I got it right in the post.
Wish I could edit my goof out of the title to the thread.