Got my monopoly money, a $27.50 decal...


Taxi to Parking
Feb 25, 2005
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Display name:
White Chocolate
...FCC RR license, RCMP 5589 all filled out, an eAPIS account, survival gear, and I'm outta here Saturday morning.

Be jealous, losers.
You have to ask permission to enter and exit your own Country? I thought you were "freer" than that. Airline pax, and pedestrian crossers don't even have to do that. Joke's on you.

Political jab aside, have fun, fly safe, and do a write-up when you get back. Me? My bucket list includes the ability to fly from Florida to PR non-stop so I can give CBP the big finger with a domestic IFR flight plan. I hear comanches have the legs for such a feat. :D
Don't forget the station license in addition to the RR.
Isn't it a bit soon to flee the county? Trump hasn't even been elected yet.
And with that, ladies and gentlemen, the thread is heading down the toilet. LOL

Ed, I am wondering where you could be flying from Michigan that requires all these international hoola-hoops to jump through. Canadia? :D
I've got mine too (decal). Do you know if CBP has any preferences on where we put it? Theres rules for just about everything else so wouldn't be surprised if they don't have one for this too.
I've got mine too (decal). Do you know if CBP has any preferences on where we put it? Theres rules for just about everything else so wouldn't be surprised if they don't have one for this too.

Yes they do have rules. Don't remember off the top of my head. The info is online. I do remember it had to be within xx of the door?? Check the web?
Never left the country.

Had all my survival gear in case of plane trouble. Basically enough to survive until the temps hit -20F maybe -30F. Did 1000nm the first day to Choteau Montana while a bunch of little things went wrong. Then the forecast winds and/or clouds blocked both my routes through the Rockies to Alaska.

So the next day, I turned around and planned to fly the1200+ nm back home in one day. Got as far as Rapid City -landed at the correct airport- and after telling the line guy I only wanted fuel, I walked inside the FBO and decided I needed to blow off steam for a couple days.

Spent the next 48 hours in Rapid City with a rental car and then punched through two lines of thunderstorms on my way home.