Cleared for Takeoff
Been working on my IR with my instructor lately doing a number of flights "under the hood". Today he told me to come out and get a bit of actual, as we have some weather on the way in. Broken layer at 3000' covering most of San Diego County. We just did a couple approaches into CRQ, an ILS and LOC, but most of the time before descent was right in the clouds. It was really fun! I kept my head down most of the time, but at one point he took the controls and told me to have a look around since we were popping in and out of the layer. I very quickly found out why they tell you to focus on the instruments and not look outside much. By the time he gave me back the controls I felt like we were in a left banking turn, but the attitude indicator showed straight and level.
To finish out the day I got one of the stronger crosswind landings I've ever had, and certainly the strongest I've had in the Mooney. Winds 180 @ 13 for RWY 24. Took most of the rudder to keep it straight, but it came down pretty nice. When we got to parking I hung out for a little bit to watch some of the bigger planes crabbing it in. Not something we see here too often.
To finish out the day I got one of the stronger crosswind landings I've ever had, and certainly the strongest I've had in the Mooney. Winds 180 @ 13 for RWY 24. Took most of the rudder to keep it straight, but it came down pretty nice. When we got to parking I hung out for a little bit to watch some of the bigger planes crabbing it in. Not something we see here too often.