Good news for a change


Final Approach
PoA Supporter
Jun 7, 2008
Indian Hills Airpark Salome, AZ
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Fox news showed what looked like a Cirrus down in a field intact with four occupants, all without a scratch. This was east of Phoenix. The headline of course was "Crash" however the anchor correctly called it a successful forced landing.
You want good news? Charlotte finally passed a law where they can serve booze starting at 10am on Sundays. Welcome to the modern age, Charlotte! One small step for the south.....
I am glad I live in a town where there is no alcohol sales on Sunday. We have enough drunks wandering the streets at all hours during the other 6 days.

Art least it sounds as if the plane down had a happy ending.
I miss Jake and didn't even know him. I can switch it back if u like, didn't mean nothing by it.

Naaa brother. I like seeing him anywhere I can. I miss him too.

Not to de-rail the post...

Glad the forced landing worked out for all involved!
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