Good Movies

Hilarious movies I've seen recently and recommend:

I Love You Man

Forgetting Sarah Marshall

Knocked Up

The 40 Year Old Virgin

Zack and Miri Make a Porno - this started really funny, had a serious part towards the middle, then got really funny again

The movie with Vince Vaughn that came out around Christmas time - he and his girlfriend were going to Tahiti but their flight got canceled, so now they had to see their families (Robert Duvall was in it too)... I can't remember the name of it, but I thought it was really funny.

Old School


Super Troopers

Blades of Glory


Some are more low-brow than others, but they're all good.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot - the better half and I will most likely be seeing Adventureland tonight, which has the same people as Superbad, so if we do wind up seeing that one I'll let you know how it is. It's between that and the new Fast and Furious, but Adventureland got a much better Rotten Tomatoes score.
Das Boot. The uncut version. Yes, all six hours of it.


The book was excellent as well. I had a lot more respect for what all diesel boat submariners endured after reading that book. When I watched the German language version of the movie with subtitles, I realized how little I actually read the text after a while.
The book was excellent as well. I had a lot more respect for what all diesel boat submariners endured after reading that book. When I watched the German language version of the movie with subtitles, I realized how little I actually read the text after a while.

If you want an appreciation for the life of tankers ("Armored crewman" officially), you need to rent The Beast.

A brutal and stunning portrayal of a Soviet Tank crew in Afghanistan.
We watched The Maltese Falcon last week for CAF hangar movie night. Humphrey Bogart does a pretty good job as a private detective. The movie had my complete attention for the entire length. very good.
We watched The Maltese Falcon last week for CAF hangar movie night. Humphrey Bogart does a pretty good job as a private detective. The movie had my complete attention for the entire length. very good.

The youngster discovers common knowledge. :)

According to some critic they shouldn't reference stuff you wouldn't know.

I read an article by Ralph Keyes saying journalists should cut back on their "retro talk" because younger readers are not familiar with their references, like Beaver Cleaver.

In my continuous "always learning" philosophy, when I hear somebody talk about a movie I haven't seen, I set a TiVo wishlist and/or search Amazon VOD for it. I have the original Henry Fonda "Grapes of Wrath" saved now because I never actually sat through the whole thing.

Have you seen Citizen Kane yet? I remember thoroughly enjoying the Jimmy Cagney gangster movies at about your age when the local station showed them in a marathon of sorts: "Public Enemy" "Angels with Dirty Faces"

Along those lines, we caught "A Few Good Men" in *gack* almost real time start to finish commercials and all Sunday on Fox HD when I realized I had never actually seen the whole thing. I had never, ever seen the beginning before. :yikes: The sad tales of an attention-deprived channel surfer. :blush:
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Along those lines, we caught "A Few Good Men" in *gack* almost real time start to finish commercials and all Sunday on Fox HD when I realized I had never actually seen the whole thing. I had never, ever seen the beginning before. :yikes: The sad tales of a attention-deprived channel surfer. :blush:

Same here!

It's been a while since we'd watched it so left it on.

We finally took the plunge and replaced our 30 year old 25" Zenith with a 40" HD, and some stuff is much better in HD (Football, Hockey, Baseball, and some movies)
If you want an appreciation for the life of tankers ("Armored crewman" officially), you need to rent The Beast.

A brutal and stunning portrayal of a Soviet Tank crew in Afghanistan.

I have seen it.....
Pretty scary how the Soviet "officers" treated the tankers, as well as the sensless treatment of the Afghans. The scene where the tanker makes the Afgans realize he can fix an RPG pretty much sums up how I made myself understood to Russians on the railroad in Estonia. Kinda point and grunt with a little Marcel Marceau mixed in.
I have seen it.....
Pretty scary how the Soviet "officers" treated the tankers, as well as the sensless treatment of the Afghans. The scene where the tanker makes the Afgans realize he can fix an RPG pretty much sums up how I made myself understood to Russians on the railroad in Estonia. Kinda point and grunt with a little Marcel Marceau mixed in.

I spent some time with a former Soviet Platoon Leader during an Armor exchange in the early 90s.

I asked him, "So would we have held you back at the Fulda Gap?"

He replied, "Absolutely. I had to communicate with all my soldiers by sign language -- they didn't understand me, and I didnt understand them. If I died, they weren't going anywhere. I carried a pistol and had to point it more than once to get them to do what I wanted..."
I spent some time with a former Soviet Platoon Leader during an Armor exchange in the early 90s.

I asked him, "So would we have held you back at the Fulda Gap?"

He replied, "Absolutely. I had to communicate with all my soldiers by sign language -- they didn't understand me, and I didnt understand them. If I died, they weren't going anywhere. I carried a pistol and had to point it more than once to get them to do what I wanted..."

Conscript peasant army from all those republics they forced to become part of the USSR. Not the best formula for a cohesive fighting force and people wonder why Afghanistan was such a cluster for them.
Conscript peasant army from all those republics they forced to become part of the USSR. Not the best formula for a cohesive fighting force and people wonder why Afghanistan was such a cluster for them.


But there sure were alot of them.

And they beat the Werchmacht.

"Drunk they defeated Napoleon, Drunk they'll defeat Hitler..." (Maybe Churchill)

But there sure were alot of them.

And they beat the Werchmacht.

"Drunk they defeated Napoleon, Drunk they'll defeat Hitler..." (Maybe Churchill)

The Russian Winter and maybe the T-34 defeated the Werhmacht. The Werhmacht if left alone by Hitler was the greatest fighting force in history. They should have never attacked Russia. But, then I digress.
I spent some time with a former Soviet Platoon Leader during an Armor exchange in the early 90s.

I asked him, "So would we have held you back at the Fulda Gap?"

He replied, "Absolutely. I had to communicate with all my soldiers by sign language -- they didn't understand me, and I didnt understand them. If I died, they weren't going anywhere. I carried a pistol and had to point it more than once to get them to do what I wanted..."

In 2003-2004 I spent some weeks working on the Estonian Railway. I was amazed at the lengths the Soviets went to to prepare for the invasion they *knew* we were going to mount. Along the railway in a few places there are still replacement bridges, complete and ready to put into place after NATO bombed the existing ones. They are hidden in little stands of trees out in fields near the river crossings. The Soviets maintained what is now Estonia's railroad to a standard capable of moving heavy armor westward for the "big one".
In 2003-2004 I spent some weeks working on the Estonian Railway. I was amazed at the lengths the Soviets went to to prepare for the invasion they *knew* we were going to mount.

Well, one could hardly blame them. In the previous 100 years, they'd been invaded by the French, the Americans, the British (twice), the Turks, the Germans (twice), the Italians (units sent in with the Germans in WWII), and probably a few border incursions by the Chinese.

Just as US post-WWII military policy was oriented to preventing another Pearl Harbor, Soviet policy was set up to stop yet another invasion.

Two pretty good movies set during invasions of Russia: "The Duelists" (French army during the Napoleonic wars) and "Enemy at the Gates" (Sniper duel at Stalingrad).


Ron Wanttaja
"Enemy at the Gates" (Sniper duel at Stalingrad).


Ron Wanttaja
Enemy at the Gates is the movie version of the book "War of the Rats", ("Rattenkrieg" in the German language version) I mentioned in my earlier post. The book is a factual account with dialog added in for the characters, but without the usual hollywood crap added. It is an excellent read, however. Not at all dry, and the audio book is very good.
Getting back on an aviation thereme, I rented "Skyfighters" from Netflix recently. Think of it as a French Top gun. The plot is pretty ludicrous. A French/Arab terrorist steals a mirage, but the flying scenes are amazing and absolutely gorgeous (mostly shot above the french alps). As an added bonus the French girls in the movie ain't too shabby looking :-)

Here's a trailer from youtube.


I love the Mirage. Beautiful airplane. Say what you want about the French, but I've always liked the planes that came from Dessault.

I just saw Inglorious Basterds, and, Bridesmaids on the way home from France the other day (seatback screen).

I highly recommend both. I have to see I-B on my home TV now, that tiny screen doesn't do it justice.

Bridesmaids was FUNNY.
IB was good. I just saw a couple scenes last night for the second time, excellent movie. But it doesn't hold a candle to Pulp Fiction.

Pulp Fiction is greatness, grows and evolves with each watching.

You like Jackie Brown?
I am astonished that no one has mentioned Flight of the Phoenix. Both versions are worth watching, though I have to admit a preference for the original.

And Young Frankenstein.
Stranger than Fiction
Due Date
Mr. Blandings builds his dream house.
A more truthful movie was never made.
Cary Grant at his besT.
I am astonished that no one has mentioned Flight of the Phoenix. Both versions are worth watching, though I have to admit a preference for the original.

Really??? the remake was completely unwatchable. I admit to secretly wanting them to die upon take off in the remake. The original on the other hand is an absolute classic. I love it when they reveal the secret of the German airplane designer :-).
Mr. Blandings builds his dream house.
A more truthful movie was never made.
Cary Grant at his besT.

Anything with Cary Grant is usually good. What a great actor, and comedic actor. I forget the name of the movie where he is dealing with his ex-wife. It's been a while since I've seen it.
Last night Mrs. Steingar was watching a recorded Antiques Roadshow. A fellow brought in a Ford Trimotor model that I immediately recognized as a prop from Only Angels Have Wings, which I had only seen the week before. Another fine Cary Grant movie.
IB was good. I just saw a couple scenes last night for the second time, excellent movie. But it doesn't hold a candle to Pulp Fiction.

I watched Inglorious Bastards on DVD at a small remote wilderness lodge on a summer evening in 24 hour sunlight, on generator power.

Weird experience.

Anyhoo, carry on...
Has anyone mentioned... AVATAR????

also, many movies I originally thought would be horrible were actually not too bad (Tangled, for one)

Aviation related would have to be either Top Gun, Behind Enemy Lines, Piece of Cake (not really a movie, but still amazing series), or The Right Stuff
Some of my fav's that have already been mentioned;

Inglorious Basterds
Pulp Fiction

And... the funniest movie I have ever seen;
Super Troopers
Both excellent movies!

The wife and I just saw I Love You, Man. Great flick! It's a little cheezy, and it's actually kind of a romantic comedy, but the combination of Paul Rudd and Jason Segel is excellent; add Jon Favreau, Andy Samberg, and Lou Ferrigno for's well worth a watch!

Liked this one too.

Oh, and has anyone seen the Nat Geo documentary Restrepo? About the current fighting in afghan
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No one's mentioned the flying scene in Madagascar II yet?!

"Doll, you're shakin' like a leaf!" :rofl: