God missed his flight...

article said:
"According to deputies, he told the TSA he was God, but his back hurt, so he wasn’t going to show them his powers."

Oh, I kinda wished he would smite those TSA agents with his powers. :D That'd turn out well, but at last even He suffers back aches.:rolleyes:
Actually, they were infuriated because he was usurping their self-perceived role.

hey, wait! MY back hurts too! Does that mean that *I* am also... nah. guess not. :(

woulda been cool, though. :yes:
Some of the comments on the article are pretty funny! I know there should be some joke about God ridding on turbo-props, but I just can't get the bat off my shoulder.
"God, you is in the wrong place tonight." -- Smokin' Joe Frazier