TangoWhiskey Touchdown! Greaser! Joined Feb 23, 2005 Messages 14,210 Location Midlothian, TX Display Name Display name: 3Green Jun 4, 2009 #1 http://www.usatoday.com/travel/flights/item.aspx?type=blog&ak=67501787.blog
Pi1otguy Pattern Altitude Joined Oct 24, 2007 Messages 2,477 Location Fontana, CA Display Name Display name: Fox McCloud Jun 4, 2009 #2 article said: "According to deputies, he told the TSA he was God, but his back hurt, so he wasn’t going to show them his powers." Click to expand... Oh, I kinda wished he would smite those TSA agents with his powers. That'd turn out well, but at last even He suffers back aches.
article said: "According to deputies, he told the TSA he was God, but his back hurt, so he wasn’t going to show them his powers." Click to expand... Oh, I kinda wished he would smite those TSA agents with his powers. That'd turn out well, but at last even He suffers back aches.
RJM62 Touchdown! Greaser! Joined Jun 15, 2007 Messages 13,157 Location Upstate New York Display Name Display name: Geek on the Hill Jun 4, 2009 #3 Actually, they were infuriated because he was usurping their self-perceived role. -Rich
etsisk En-Route Joined Sep 20, 2005 Messages 3,321 Location Chapel Hill, NC Display Name Display name: iYiYi Jun 5, 2009 #4 hey, wait! MY back hurts too! Does that mean that *I* am also... nah. guess not. woulda been cool, though.
hey, wait! MY back hurts too! Does that mean that *I* am also... nah. guess not. woulda been cool, though.
Teller1900 En-Route Joined Aug 4, 2007 Messages 3,644 Location Denver, CO Display Name Display name: I am a dad! Jun 5, 2009 #5 Some of the comments on the article are pretty funny! I know there should be some joke about God ridding on turbo-props, but I just can't get the bat off my shoulder.
Some of the comments on the article are pretty funny! I know there should be some joke about God ridding on turbo-props, but I just can't get the bat off my shoulder.
flyersfan31 Touchdown! Greaser! Joined Mar 31, 2006 Messages 14,269 Display Name Display name: Freiburgfan31 Jun 5, 2009 #6 "God, you is in the wrong place tonight." -- Smokin' Joe Frazier