Goal setting: 2007 Flying Goals


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
Midlothian, TX
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When I wrote out my goals for this year, I included some in the "Flying" category:

1) Pass my Commercial written by March 31st.

2) Train for and pass my Commercial practical by December 31st, to qualify as my BFR that would otherwise be due.

3) Grab an instructor and finally convert one of those FAA Safety Seminar Wings credit forms into a pair of wings.

4) Fly at LEAST once per month--I have a tendency to get busy with work and let 6-8 weeks go by, then fly a lot, then let time go by, then fly a lot. Try to be more consistent.

5) Fly four (4) Angel Flight missions (one per quarter), and take each of my kids with me on an individual flight (daddy/daughter thing).

6) Find and get checked out in a DA40... love that plane and all I've read about it, and want to try it out.

[EDIT: Oops! Forgot one! They are written down, but at home]
7) Do a SOLO IFR flight--I've flown IFR without an instructor, but always with another pilot in the right seat. Going to watch for that "right" day when I'm current and comfortable to get SOLO IFR flight in.

What's your goals for this year?
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1.Glider add on.
2.More flying time with my kids while they still enjoy it. (me)
3.Fly at least 5 kids who have never been in a small plane. (easy with scouting)
4.Have fun doing the above!!!
get more time on the glider than last year.
fly more miles on the glider than last year.
Take PoA'ers up for glider rides
Make enough money instructing to eat.
get more time on the glider than last year.
fly more miles on the glider than last year.
Take PoA'ers up for glider rides
Make enough money instructing to eat.
I've always wanted to try actual gliding. I've been hanggliding before though and absolutly loved it! I actualy have plans to do it again sometime.
Get my PPL
Fly at least once a week.
Fly low, slow, and leisurely around the country for 2 or 3 weeks, landing on only grass or dirt strips and maybe write an article about it with Tom

Take at least 25 Young Eagles flying

Work with at least one (hopefully more) AOPA Project Pilot Student as a mentor (just started with my first one)

Take more people for aerobatic rides

Compete in at least one aerobatic competition (without looking too spastic or foolish or like a complete idiot)

Work at better landings from the back seat of my Citabria so that I can take my larger friends for acro rides.

Explore more aerobatics maneuvers in the Citabria

No more whip stalls and no exceeding Vne

Fly to Colorado several times to see my son (and get more acro instruction out there)

Spend quality time with my flying friends at Gaston’s :)

Keep the belly of my airplane clean...I hear that will be easier when I get the carburetor rebuilt

There are more, but that's all I can think of right now.
Get my multi, possibly MEI. Fly more than I did last year. Get 50 airports for the CONUS challenge.
There are more, but that's all I can think of right now.

Nice list, Diana. I look forward to reviewing this thread at the end of the year with each other, to see how we did. :-)

Gastons--I really should try to make that happen this year. Need to find a place that will let me rent a plane I can land on grass. Heck, LANDING on grass should be on my goal list--never done that, though I'd LOVE to.
Nice list, Diana. I look forward to reviewing this thread at the end of the year with each other, to see how we did. :-)

Gastons--I really should try to make that happen this year. Need to find a place that will let me rent a plane I can land on grass. Heck, LANDING on grass should be on my goal list--never done that, though I'd LOVE to.

Eh it's not that hard. You do a normal landing, but keep your power in.
Eh it's not that hard. You do a normal landing, but keep your power in.

I do not keep my power in when at 6Y9, or 3M0, or 42N, or H75, or any other grass strips I've flown into. Grass field does not always equal soft field. Keep your power in at a few places, and you'll be off the end of the runway.

Why do you keep your power in?
I do not keep my power in when at 6Y9, or 3M0, or 42N, or H75, or any other grass strips I've flown into. Grass field does not always equal soft field. Keep your power in at a few places, and you'll be off the end of the runway.

Why do you keep your power in?

To keep my prop from striking the ground when I hit a pot hole/divet/bump etc. that is covered up by the grass.
prop strike still counts when throttle is at idle, ask me how i know.

gastons is the firmest grass ive ever landed on, reminded me more of a fairway than a runway.

carrying power would be appropriate on a soft field to lower touch down speed and hold nosewheel off ground longer.
Get more time in a Pitts or (gasp) fly an Extra.

Finish my IR and Commercial.

Figure out if I'm keeping 909 or pursuing options on a 4 seater.
or just fly to mountain home or flippin. we'll come pick you up.
Fly triple digit hours this year. Work on IR, perhaps get a few R-22 hours in :D
When I wrote out my goals for this year, I included some in the "Flying" category:

1) Pass my Commercial written by March 31st.

2) Train for and pass my Commercial practical by December 31st, to qualify as my BFR that would otherwise be due.

3) Grab an instructor and finally convert one of those FAA Safety Seminar Wings credit forms into a pair of wings.


What's your goals for this year?

To save some time, your Commercial written typically will qualify for the FAA Wings seminar, then a few CFI flights and you should've got the memento wings, the Xth in the set are a little bigger than the rest of the co-ordinated set of ten.
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Fly low, slow, and leisurely around the country for 2 or 3 weeks, landing on only grass or dirt strips and maybe write an article about it with Tom

Nice! Any chance your travels take you near Chattanooga? If so, dinner is on me!
1.) Get the Mooney.
2.) Get IFR proficient in the plane.
3.) Join Angel flight, help other folks.
4.) fly at least 100hrs.
5.) Do more PoA flyins.
6.) Get my little girl back to the grandparents more often. (via the 201)
7.) Do my commercial.
8.) Go take a few more additional acro lessons.
9.) Maybe glider transition? If not, at least get to Tony's sometime for a glider ride.
Bill, forget coming here, thats way to inefficent. How close are you to Chilhowee? Answer: A lot closer than Iowa :) Matt and I know the operator there, Sara, and she runs a top notch operation. Training is good and soaring conditions are good with ridge and thermal lift. Go learn! www.chilhowee.com

But if you want, come on up for a glider flight when I get something put together (looking at March 31 weekend right now). Then you can show me the joys of Mooney! :yes:
1) Tailwheel endorsement
2) Instrument rating
3) Clear out some other stuff in my life (=more time for flying)
4) Continue to save for a plane with potential purchase this year
5) Fly some potential planes to see if really like them as much as I dream I do!
6) Complex/HP checkout
All of the above!

OK, so that might take me a little more than one year. ;)

Troy, I like your list. I need to get the comm written done soon, and then begin banging ratings out. If I could have CP-ASMEL and CFII/MEI by the close of 2007, that would be great... Unfortunately, I think it's also a bit ambitious. But, that's what I want to get done before I go back to being a starving student. :dunno:
Nice! Any chance your travels take you near Chattanooga? If so, dinner is on me!
Thanks for the offer Bill! :) I'm still working on the database of grass strips with fuel. Do you know of any near Chattanooga?
dont forget Comm-Glider Kent.

I haven't. I also haven't forgotten Comm-ASES. Unfortunately, as much as I've enjoyed my experiences with those, they're lower priority 'cuz they probably won't do me much good in the short term in terms of being able to work as a CFI when I go back to school. So, I'm most likely gonna save 'em for someday when I need a BFR, unless I win the lottery and don't need to work any more. :yes:
i cant speak for ASES, but having glider rating will make you a better CFI. promise.
Fly to Colorado several times to see my son (and get more acro instruction out there)
Maybe we can get together sometime! And where is it that you are getting acro instruction out here?
Maybe we can get together sometime!
I hope so too! I may go out in Feb to help them move. They bought a house near the Erie airport...he said he can see the airport from his yard. :)

And where is it that you are getting acro instruction out here?


John Blum is the CFI. He's active in competition. Nice guy...I enjoyed flying with him. His wife flies too. They recently moved their operation from Boulder to BJC.

Here's a picture that I took of John when I flew with him last year at Boulder. What a pretty Pitts. :)


  • Boulder Pitts.JPG
    Boulder Pitts.JPG
    163.8 KB · Views: 17
i cant speak for ASES, but having glider rating will make you a better CFI. promise.

Glider time got me over my semi-fear of turbulence. Now I can laugh at what the turbs are trying to do to me.:)

Wow, that's weird. I didn't make any resolutions but...
Maybe we can get together sometime! And where is it that you are getting acro instruction out here?
I never was able to meet Diana. :(

I hope so too! I may go out in Feb to help them move. They bought a house near the Erie airport...he said he can see the airport from his yard. :)


John Blum is the CFI. He's active in competition. Nice guy...I enjoyed flying with him. His wife flies too. They recently moved their operation from Boulder to BJC.
But I did end up taking lessons with John, even though I never would have guessed it a year ago. I got a little sidetracked over the fall and winter but I need to get back to it this spring or sooner. :yes:
get more time on the glider than last year.
fly more miles on the glider than last year.
Take PoA'ers up for glider rides
Make enough money instructing to eat.

i think i may have broken about even on the first two. actually, probably put fewer miles on this year, had too many short flights :( Certainly didnt get enough PoA'ers up for glider rides. I did manage to stay fed though.

Since we're setting goals for 2008, how'd we do in 2007?
I wondered if someone was going to ask that. :D

Fly low, slow, and leisurely around the country for 2 or 3 weeks, landing on only grass or dirt strips and maybe write an article about it with Tom
Flew for a month...just getting started on a book.

Take at least 25 Young Eagles flying
Did that one.

Work with at least one (hopefully more) AOPA Project Pilot Student as a mentor (just started with my first one)
Still have one active, one finished up, and one moved away and quit flying for awhile.

Take more people for aerobatic rides
Yep. Still lots more to take.

Compete in at least one aerobatic competition (without looking too spastic or foolish or like a complete idiot)
Did that and looked spastic, foolish and like an idiot...wrote about all of the above and the article will come out in January.

Work at better landings from the back seat of my Citabria so that I can take my larger friends for acro rides.
Still working on that. I need volunteers.

Explore more aerobatics maneuvers in the Citabria
Did some accidently. :redface:

No more whip stalls and no exceeding Vne
Oops. :redface:

Fly to Colorado several times to see my son (and get more acro instruction out there)
Did that.

Spend quality time with my flying friends at Gaston’s :)
Did that too, but not as much as I wanted.

Keep the belly of my airplane clean...I hear that will be easier when I get the carburetor rebuilt
Got the carb rebuilt. Right now the belly is dirty from landing yesterday afternoon after the ground had thawed and splashed in the mud in the ditch. I think I made ruts in front of Chip's hangar yesterday. Oops. :redface:

Chip, where is your list????? :)

Since we're setting goals for 2008, how'd we do in 2007?

Well, I never posted goals, but I achieved one... bought the Bo. :D

Did not fly as much as I had hoped, life's events being what they have been.

Saw quite a few flying friends, at and away from Gaston's, reaffirming the truism that Pilot People are some of the best!
Diana said:
Originally Posted by Diana said:
Work at better landings from the back seat of my Citabria so that I can take my larger friends for acro rides.

Still working on that. I need volunteers.

I think I'd qualify as "larger"... when and where do you want to practice?! I've got a long solo x/c I need to do for my CPL-ASEL.... from the DFW area, that'd be about right...