Line Up and Wait
The spoilers on the 2-33 are very effective. I personally think all instructors should include demonstration and training for approaches to landings using full spoilers on the entire final approach so each student knows how steep their approach can be if needed rather than thinking they need to figure how much to extend their downwind and base legs if they are a little high in the pattern. Add a good forward slip and you can drop like an elevator if needed. Also good stuff to be comfortable with when landing at unfamiliar fields or off field if necessary.
I second that. I"ve never used them for a full final, but we certainly intentionally came in high a few times and then used full spoilers and maximum slip right to the flare. Tons of fun! It's very intimidating the first time you try it to be coming down that fast and that sideways. The 2-33 makes lots of noise too while you slip it. The you pop out of the slip and ease off the spoilers a bit and it gets quiet and you grease in the landing. Feels like a million bucks.