Dancin' Dave Taylor towed for me (5X) today at Marfa in my 1958 Cessna 182A. Smoothest towpilot I know, and he got recurrent with me (12 month towpilot re-currency per FAR 61.69) just last week.
It was important for Dave to give tows today not just for my tourist ride but for a local "initial" student glider pilot here. I really enjoy sharing my knowledge, and this absolute "beginner" student (Phillip) is like a sponge. Phillip plans to help us on the launch line during the Texas Glider Rally April 4 - 11. He will fit right in (means he is YOUR age, Adam, Peter, Matt, Chris & Chris!)
Anyhow, Dave Taylor was the perceptive guy who called me before I ever met him / before I even arrived at Marfa in 2001 to volunteer to fly my towplane for me. He also flew my Cessna 150/180HP towplane back & forth to Miami (back when I was trying to also be in Miami in winter) until I realized Marfa was THE place to fly year-round (since 2003).
Now as a towpilot Dave has credits to get glider current again in the Blanik L-23, then graduate briefly to my single-seat Schweizer 1-36, and then permanently into my slick Standard Class Cirrus!
Let's all keep encouraging Dave to get back into gliders! Anyone who flies as smooth as he does will be out-thermaling us all.
Thanks again Dave!
PS Dave is also a fine Vet, keeping our little Yorkie "Cozy-Dog" healthy. He also takes care of the local ranchers' large livestock and I understand that he is one of the best.