GIF turns 25

And 9 years since the patent on the compression technology finally expired.
I dispute the argument that "GIF is the ideal of lossless compressed graphics." Perhaps if you limit yourself to small dynamic range RGB images of small size, you would be right. Those of us who have spent 20+ years in imaging technology know that it's pretty limited.
GIF was a great format... for the first 15 or so years. GIF and XMODEM... big stuff back then. PNG for me now.
And we owe so much to gif - what would we do without all those animated smileys, and animated graphics on the web pages with the black backgrounds, sparkly stars, and Comic Sans??
GIF was a great format... for the first 15 or so years. GIF and XMODEM... big stuff back then. PNG for me now.

ZModem was the shiz... it'd auto-start and could send the filename over in the start-up negotiation... :)

Crazy, true... the Linux "lrzsz" package contains X, Y, and Z modem command-line tools...

And they work well for dumping a file off of a machine at the command line via a serial cable. Or putting files on.

Firewall? Network? P'shaw... who needs 'em. :)

sz filename.ext (send z-modem)
rz filename.ext (receive z-modem)

Fun toy to freak network security folks out with.