Final Approach
I haven't flown much if at all as PIC in what seems like decades. I almost flew a very important passenger yesterday and because I wanted to be "safe" (last flight was on October 29) - I decided to rent the little cheap 152 and do 3 landings after work one night last week. This would get me night current, let me know if I could still fly a plane, and also this would be my first "solo flight."
Reading all the "rusty" stories I was nervous since I had not flown in forever, and then the weather changed from "clear below 12,000" on the AWOS to some clouds at 300 feet. I forget if it was few clouds, broken, or scattered, but it did not say "ceiling". I looked around and could see everything (it was 10pm). I could clearly see many objects that were miles away, in all directions, and I could see all the stars in the sky. I continued to monitor the AWOS during my three landings and it changed back to calm winds, viz above 10 miles, clear below 12,000 etc so that must have just been one cloud passing by.
I was happy with my landings (very very soft but I guess that is because of the no wind thing) but disappointed in everything else including approach straightness, etc... There was nobody there to impress and so I got everything done by spending only $52.00 with 0.5 hobbs which is an awesome thing, it means I can afford to do this about once per month (hopefully in the daytime though). Boring, but at least I'm flying.
I have been meaning to try a simulator but I just don't know. I *think* it won't let me practice lots of things like:
go / no go decisions
Weather (planning) - or does it?
How to talk to ATC
Cross country planning
VOR use
Maybe I am wrong, maybe it does all of those things. Now that I have a new laptop I was wondering how cheaply I can do a home setup. Do I need a joystick etc or can I just try the software for free? I fly an old 152 and an old 172 so the simulator that has those would be what I want to get.
Any suggestions?
The passenger and I ended up at the airport yesterday but conditions were RAPIDLY deteriorating right before our eyes, and ceilings went to below TPA within a few hours (I kept calling the AWOS even after we left). I showed him the planes, he met some pilots, we made the most of it, but I was bummed. Might fly again with my Dad on Friday (who knows, weather looks bad again).
I am worried about losing a lot of my skills. I think I should pay for (yes with my old instructor who is a "good" CFI) a lesson where we do the PTS stuff again so I can solo and do it on my own. Being / feeling rusty sucks.
I haven't flown much if at all as PIC in what seems like decades. I almost flew a very important passenger yesterday and because I wanted to be "safe" (last flight was on October 29) - I decided to rent the little cheap 152 and do 3 landings after work one night last week. This would get me night current, let me know if I could still fly a plane, and also this would be my first "solo flight."
Reading all the "rusty" stories I was nervous since I had not flown in forever, and then the weather changed from "clear below 12,000" on the AWOS to some clouds at 300 feet. I forget if it was few clouds, broken, or scattered, but it did not say "ceiling". I looked around and could see everything (it was 10pm). I could clearly see many objects that were miles away, in all directions, and I could see all the stars in the sky. I continued to monitor the AWOS during my three landings and it changed back to calm winds, viz above 10 miles, clear below 12,000 etc so that must have just been one cloud passing by.
I was happy with my landings (very very soft but I guess that is because of the no wind thing) but disappointed in everything else including approach straightness, etc... There was nobody there to impress and so I got everything done by spending only $52.00 with 0.5 hobbs which is an awesome thing, it means I can afford to do this about once per month (hopefully in the daytime though). Boring, but at least I'm flying.
I have been meaning to try a simulator but I just don't know. I *think* it won't let me practice lots of things like:
go / no go decisions
Weather (planning) - or does it?
How to talk to ATC
Cross country planning
VOR use
Maybe I am wrong, maybe it does all of those things. Now that I have a new laptop I was wondering how cheaply I can do a home setup. Do I need a joystick etc or can I just try the software for free? I fly an old 152 and an old 172 so the simulator that has those would be what I want to get.
Any suggestions?
The passenger and I ended up at the airport yesterday but conditions were RAPIDLY deteriorating right before our eyes, and ceilings went to below TPA within a few hours (I kept calling the AWOS even after we left). I showed him the planes, he met some pilots, we made the most of it, but I was bummed. Might fly again with my Dad on Friday (who knows, weather looks bad again).
I am worried about losing a lot of my skills. I think I should pay for (yes with my old instructor who is a "good" CFI) a lesson where we do the PTS stuff again so I can solo and do it on my own. Being / feeling rusty sucks.