Getting my Medical back


Filing Flight Plan
May 29, 2024
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Hello guys, I'm a 16 y/o working on my PPL, some stuff has happened regarding school and I had to get a psychological evaluation from a doctor given to me by my school. I also had a DVT a few months ago and had to renew my medical because of this. Now a month ago I was reported to the FAA for having "mental health issues" most likely from that evaluation. Keep in mind that the whole reason this all occurred was because of some stupid comments I made when I was younger. I'm not like that anymore but that doctor mentioned these things like I am still that person. In that evaluation there were things said that I personally disagree with and it seemed to be more exaggerated than anything. Anyway, the FAA wanted full hospital records for anything related to the DVT I had and for me to go to a HIMS specialist. I asked for a 90-day extension over the phone and they said I would receive one. I had sent all the required hospital documents and the 90 days weren't even close to over yet. I was waiting to get an appointment from the HIMS AME until I got a certified letter that said I had been disqualified due to some defiant disorder and the DVT mentioned previously. I have no clue if they even gave me the 90 days or not but now I'm wondering if there's even a chance I can get my medical back or not. I have spoken to my AME and CFI but as I wait for my AME to respond after I showed him the letter I want to get another opinion on this. Especially since the people here probably know more than I do.
You reply with "escalatio": HIMS psychiatry and HIMS neuropsychology evaluation. They are costly. And, Only a HIMS AME can get you into these (and on a proper footing).

NB: "I'm not like that anymore but that doctor mentioned these things like I am still that person". may be true but unless you can convince well credentialled folks of that, you are only demonstrating "lack of insight". So this is a tough hill to climb.

BTW, "Oppositional Defiant Disorder" was at one time (early 2000s) lumped into Bipolar until it emerged as a separate entity.
BTW, "Oppositional Defiant Disorder" was at one time (early 2000s) lumped into Bipolar until it emerged as a separate entity.

Quick update: My AME tried to call the eastern regional office twice but has only been able to leave a voicemail. I’m probably gonna try calling the Oklahoma office in the morning or try calling eastern regional to see if they answer so I can find out what the appeal process is looking like. Also about the HIMS evaluation should I try calling up a HIMS AME and getting an appointment scheduled because the last time I tried they needed my medical records to be released to them from presumably the FAA. I’ve asked my AME but am still waiting for a response so I’m posting this in the meantime.
Hello guys, I'm a 16 y/o working on my PPL, some stuff has happened regarding school and I had to get a psychological evaluation from a doctor given to me by my school. I also had a DVT a few months ago and had to renew my medical because of this. Now a month ago I was reported to the FAA for having "mental health issues" most likely from that evaluation. Keep in mind that the whole reason this all occurred was because of some stupid comments I made when I was younger. I'm not like that anymore but that doctor mentioned these things like I am still that person. In that evaluation there were things said that I personally disagree with and it seemed to be more exaggerated than anything. Anyway, the FAA wanted full hospital records for anything related to the DVT I had and for me to go to a HIMS specialist. I asked for a 90-day extension over the phone and they said I would receive one. I had sent all the required hospital documents and the 90 days weren't even close to over yet. I was waiting to get an appointment from the HIMS AME until I got a certified letter that said I had been disqualified due to some defiant disorder and the DVT mentioned previously. I have no clue if they even gave me the 90 days or not but now I'm wondering if there's even a chance I can get my medical back or not. I have spoken to my AME and CFI but as I wait for my AME to respond after I showed him the letter I want to get another opinion on this. Especially since the people here probably know more than I do.
Update #2: I sent in a reconsideration letter to the eastern region and am now just waiting for their response for whatever the next steps are. Does anyone know of a timeframe? on how long it takes for them to give you a reconsideration or is it just whenever they get to it?