George Carlin on Earth Day [NSFW]

That was good. He was one of the best, and always will be. Thanks Ken.
I AGREE Al.i also like Richard Pryor, They are two comedians that tell it like it is.
Dave G
I went to a "Green Commitee" meeting last night. I think it is fun to make fun of ourselves.
But littering is gross. It's not that hard to throw the wrappers in the kitchen garbage when you get home instead of out the car window along the road.
Taken with a (large) grain of salt, George is funny.:smilewinkgrin:
But littering is gross. It's not that hard to throw the wrappers in the kitchen garbage when you get home instead of out the car window along the road.
Thus the fundamental premise of environmentalism, that it's gross to have trash on the side of the road, and a front yard full of your neighbor's dog's poop.

This much should be acknowledged as universally held. It's a shame that this commonality can't be embraced, as the posturing of extremists and maneuvering of politics distorts that basic premise.
Thus the fundamental premise of environmentalism, that it's gross to have trash on the side of the road, and a front yard full of your neighbor's dog's poop.

This much should be acknowledged as universally held. It's a shame that this commonality can't be embraced, as the posturing of extremists and maneuvering of politics distorts that basic premise.

Government will always fill the vacuum caused by abdicated responsibilities.
I went to a "Green Commitee" meeting last night. I think it is fun to make fun of ourselves.
But littering is gross. It's not that hard to throw the wrappers in the kitchen garbage when you get home instead of out the car window along the road.
Taken with a (large) grain of salt, George is funny.:smilewinkgrin:

Thus the fundamental premise of environmentalism, that it's gross to have trash on the side of the road, and a front yard full of your neighbor's dog's poop.

This much should be acknowledged as universally held. It's a shame that this commonality can't be embraced, as the posturing of extremists and maneuvering of politics distorts that basic premise.

The more we litter, the more the prisoners have something to do.
The more we litter, the less our landfills are overcrowded
The more we litter, the better the compost for growing roadside vegetation

More importantly: The more we litter, the less we have to bother ourselves with remembering to throw stuff out when we get home.

I litter because I can, and the Earth isn't going to die because of it. George Carlin's the man.
You know, littering is probably more environmentally friendly than filling your garbage can with refuse. Think about it - in low concentrations, the degradation of anything will likely happen at a faster rate. Little paper here, a few banana peels there, unsightly maybe but not a problem. It's when we entomb them in high concentration mountains that the problem begins.
You know, littering is probably more environmentally friendly than filling your garbage can with refuse.
Some aspects of environmentalism are about us lessening a negative impact we have on "everything else", i.e. all the stuff that isn't us. But the most important (IMHO) aspect of it is the protection of an environment appropriate for _us_ to live in.

Littering is "bad" because it has a very negative impact on the environment that _we_ like to live in. We do not find a landscape strewn about with trash to be aesthetically pleasing. In an urban setting, it is also conducive to vermin, which entail both aesthetic and health concerns.