Gender Reveal Party

Doing a gender reveal flyby with a pink or blue powder. I'll maintain at least 600 feet above ground, so I don't violate any rules. The house with the party sits on a 20 acre lot, but I doubt the powder will even make it to the ground.

I'm debating on which method to use.

Idea from

1. Put the powder in a windsock, wrap it up and tied to a string. Front passenger opens the C172 window and throws it out (String will be short enough, so the windsock never hits the horizontal stabilizer) (We then pull the windsock back inside)

2. Put the powder in a windsock, wrap it up and tied to a string which is also tied to the landing strut, so when we throw it and it opens, it opens at a level below the horizontal stabilizer, and then another string to pull it back (I don't want to fly with it dangling out afterwards)

3. Perhaps a 25 second smoke grenade that is held outside the window by hand (I prefer the powder because I wouldn't want the grenade going off in the cockpit. Powder once dropped outside has very little chance of making it into the cockpit)

Any thoughts, recommendations?
Propagating these things is ... not good.
8,000 hours. So better than me.

I was speaking in generalities, but 8,000 hour pilots auger into the ground too sometimes, unfortunately. More time doesn't make anyone immune.
I was speaking in generalities, but 8,000 hour pilots auger into the ground too sometimes, unfortunately. More time doesn't make anyone immune.

For sure. I thought it was interesting OP let us know they had 8,000 hours yet still asked if it was a good idea to deploy a smoke grenade from a 172 window. My post was completely sarcastic in response to his hours post. Even my low-time arse has more sense. :)
For sure. I thought it was interesting OP let us know they had 8,000 hours yet still asked if it was a good idea to deploy a smoke grenade from a 172 window. My post was completely sarcastic in response to his hours post. Even my low-time arse has more sense. :)

Lol, that flew right over my head.
Get flight following and make them keep refreshing flightaware.

Doing a gender reveal flyby with a pink or blue powder. I'll maintain at least 600 feet above ground, so I don't violate any rules. The house with the party sits on a 20 acre lot, but I doubt the powder will even make it to the ground.

I'm debating on which method to use.

Idea from

1. Put the powder in a windsock, wrap it up and tied to a string. Front passenger opens the C172 window and throws it out (String will be short enough, so the windsock never hits the horizontal stabilizer) (We then pull the windsock back inside)

2. Put the powder in a windsock, wrap it up and tied to a string which is also tied to the landing strut, so when we throw it and it opens, it opens at a level below the horizontal stabilizer, and then another string to pull it back (I don't want to fly with it dangling out afterwards)

3. Perhaps a 25 second smoke grenade that is held outside the window by hand (I prefer the powder because I wouldn't want the grenade going off in the cockpit. Powder once dropped outside has very little chance of making it into the cockpit)

Any thoughts, recommendations?
I'm sure you'll do it as responsibly as possible, but gender-reveal stunts are starting to trend in the Darwin Award nominations, so please think hard before getting involved.
Social media spectacle. All the cool snowflake millennials are doing it.
The oldest millennials are into their 40s now and have kids in university, so it might be time to pick a different generation as a punch line.

Everyone's an idiot in their late teens and early 20s (or at least, I was, as one of the last of the baby boomers, and I really hope it wasn't just me).
The oldest millennials are into their 40s now and have kids in university, so it might be time to pick a different generation as a punch line.
Thank you, it's one of the more tiring tropes on PoA. At least all the Bonanza/high wing/low wing/chute crap is related to airplanes.
upload_2021-6-8_15-49-24.png of February:
-- 45% of folks over 65 said they use social media
-- 73% of folks 50-64 said they use social media
^hardly a "millennial" phenomenon, which is incidentally a generation raised mostly by the boomers

one will notice that social media use by the younger generations, <50 group, has declined in the last couple years. Myself, and most of my friends, have bailed on social media altogether. The highest increasing adoption rate the last several years have been squarely in the 65+ group
Thank you, it's one of the more tiring tropes on PoA. At least all the Bonanza/high wing/low wing/chute crap is related to airplanes.
View attachment 97099 of February:
-- 45% of folks over 65 said they use social media
-- 73% of folks 50-64 said they use social media
^hardly a "millennial" phenomenon, which is incidentally a generation raised mostly by the boomers

one will notice that social media use by the younger generations, <50 group, has declined in the last couple years. Myself, and most of my friends, have bailed on social media altogether. The highest increasing adoption rate the last several years have been squarely in the 65+ group
Now do TikTok.
Several thoughts and recommendations.

1. Thought - Gender reveals are dumb.

"Back in my day, we called gender reveal STREAKERS":confused:

By new PC criteria, your gender reveal has to wait until the child graduates high school at the earliest:eek:

I work in this area daily (ultrasound): When the couple asks if it's a boy or girl, my first response is "Yes" .... most don't get it initially (what happened to sense of humor?).
Doesn't this forum count as social media? I don't use Facebook, Twitter, and the like, but I've always considered the couple of hobby forums in which I participate to be small-scale social media sites.
Yeah, that's about it.. and some car and boat forums. But Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, all that stuff is more about "look at me!" type stuff. But there's a gradient, sure.
Myself, and most of my friends, have bailed on social media altogether. The highest increasing adoption rate the last several years have been squarely in the 65+ group
That matches my experience. A couple of years ago, at the National Arts Centre (Canada), I looked down from the balcony before the show and it was just a sea of screens. There aren't a lot of people under 50 who can afford to the ticket prices for high-end live theatre—they were nearly all in my age group (mid 50s) or older.

I also doubt anyone under 40 uses Facebook for anything but checking birthday messages from their older relatives 1x/year.
Now do TikTok.
That also excludes the millennials, though. My younger daughter (mid-20s, post-millennial generation) uses TikTok, but knows she's too old to really get it; my late-teens niece is right in the demographic. The millennials are old geezers from the TikTok users' PoV, obsessed with jobs, kids, mortgages, and other boring crap like that.
Thank you, it's one of the more tiring tropes on PoA. At least all the Bonanza/high wing/low wing/chute crap is related to airplanes. of February:
-- 45% of folks over 65 said they use social media
-- 73% of folks 50-64 said they use social media
^hardly a "millennial" phenomenon, which is incidentally a generation raised mostly by the boomers

one will notice that social media use by the younger generations, <50 group, has declined in the last couple years. Myself, and most of my friends, have bailed on social media altogether. The highest increasing adoption rate the last several years have been squarely in the 65+ group

It's not simply who "uses" social media. We are talking about a demographic that tends to think the only life experiences that count are those that can be shared and liked on social media. The geezers aren't like that.
My response was sincere. The expanded version: if you choose to do this, your job is to fly the plane, not to make sure everyone on the ground is having a good time and certainly not to do an impromptu air show.

As for the method, you found a video of one that works, why change it? As you can see in the video, the bag was still dropping powder when they taxied to a stop, so attempting to bring it back into the airplane in flight would be a bad idea.

What you said was the first thing I thought of and I was going to post the video too. I was actually just going to say "This" with the video in response. Probably better you beat me to it with a more reasonable version of it. :D
That also excludes the millennials, though. My younger daughter (mid-20s, post-millennial generation) uses TikTok, but knows she's too old to really get it; my late-teens niece is right in the demographic. The millennials are old geezers from the TikTok users' PoV, obsessed with jobs, kids, mortgages, and other boring crap like that.
Your daughter and her peers consider me a "boomer" even though I'm not even 50. No matter what the professional demographers say, these terms don't follow strict definitions and there's a lot overlap between millennials and gen z. Early millennials share much more with gen x than late millennials.

And she's definitely not too old for tiktok, she's the target demo.
Bw when is the party when can we see the NTS… er I mean YT video?
I work in this area daily (ultrasound): When the couple asks if it's a boy or girl, my first response is "Yes" .... most don't get it initially (what happened to sense of humor?).

come on, it's nerd/geek/math humor. Like there are 10 types of people in the world...
Use a Cirrus and have a pink or blue parachute? (can I offend the OP and Cirrus pilots simultaneously?) :)
You can offend more than that...
--use a piper, if the left wing falls off it's a girl, the right wing falls off it's a boy.
--use a 35 bonanza, if it kills a doctor its a boy, if it kills a anyone else, a girl
--use a mooney, if the pilot/owner brags about speed you know he can't obtain, its a boy, if the pilot/owner brags about efficiency no plane has ever obtained, a girl.
--use a cessna...naw, on second thought, forget one should fly a high wing!
--use an experimental, if you actually make it over the observation area its a boy (and you're now in violation of flying over a congested area), if you don't, a girl.
There, that about covers it!