Gaston's inbound and outbound radar capture


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
Midlothian, TX
Display Name

Display name:
I've got a subscription to Flight Explorer, and would like to get several screen shots of y'all enroute to Gastons on the radar-like display, since it looks like I won't be able to make it this year.

Please email me your name and the N-Number of the plane you're taking to Gastons, and I'll make a filter to show only the Gaston's planes and post the screen shots...


Some folks will be going to Baxter or Mountain Home rather than Gastons.

MAke sure to include those.
Troy, i'll be flying early Saturday morning, from ADS, in Deb 5893J.

I almost always file IFR, wife makes fun of me but I can live with it. I like being in the system. Can always cxl when I don't need it, but like being in it while I do.

Boy is REALLY looking forward to the trip.

/s/ Spike
I thought it captured planes on flight following too...
No, I'm about 95% sure that it doesn't get planes on flight following, even though you do have a transponder code.
From their FAQ:

Why can't I track VFR flight, military flights, and certain non-US registered GA flights?

The FAA filters out military, non-US registered, and sensitive traffic. Other than that, you can track any IFR, VFR (with flight following requested), and Canadian registry GA flights.

Any VFR flight with FF becomes part of the "normal" data stream...

sshekels said:
Any VFR flight with FF becomes part of the "normal" data stream...

Well, in that case...

Skylane N271G, departing KMSN ~10:30 AM Sat. for 2 PM arrival.

Kent Shook
N32755 departing 3MY 08:00 for STL (if IFR) and for Gastons at about 10:00. Otherwise departing 3my for 3MO at 09:00.
N4147T departing CHA ~ 1700z 6/24/05, VFR with FF, inbound for BPK.
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Diana said:
Bill, are you still hoping for a Friday departure?

Haha, forgot day, I'll edit. Yes, I'm still planning on leaving Friday 1:00pm local or thereabouts. Time enroute should be about 3:20, which is right where I stop the Archer III for a drink. Tailwind or no wind, I'll fly all the way in to BPK nonstop. Headwind, and I'll be stopping somewhere for a drink, adding turn time to the 3:20.
Steve said:
Check your calendar as part of your pre-flight.....:rofl:

I'm still jet lagged from the west coast. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. :D
This will be great, thanks for all of you that posted here and that sent me emails. Since the arrivals are so spread out day and time-wise, that might be harder to capture, but I will attempt to do so.

When does the Sunday brunch finish up and everybody start scattering back home? That might be the best time for me to capture everybody enroute according to one e-mail I received...

And, as was posted by somebody else, even if you're VFR coming or going home, please try to pick up Flight Following with a discreet squawk so I can get you in the "big radar picture for Gastons 2005".
Troy Whistman said:
When does the Sunday brunch finish up and everybody start scattering back home?

Troy, departure times are subject to distance to travel and weather forecasts. Some people eat quickly and go, others hang around. IIRC, last year Bruce, Mike A, and I left around 2:00pm.
I dont plan on hanging around for the Sunday Brunch. but rather departing around 6am local time. 1100 miles with a headwind is gonna take some time. :)