Pattern Altitude
Thanks, Dean. Yeah, with full fuel and the wife and I, usually don't have much left for baggage, around 25#. Won't be much in the way of souvenoir shopping! After 40+ years of marriage, we've got enough "stuff." :wink2:
We haven't flown in that area before, but just looking at the sectional I don't see a lot of high altitude issues around Gaston -- of course with a town named Mountain Home I might be missing something. Are there density altitude issues to contend with in the Gaston area? Sounds like when you flew there in your 150 you took off with partial fuel and filled up at Mountain Home, which appears to be about 4 nm away?
Gaston's is one way in and one way out and on the way out there is an Ozark Mountain you have to clear. It looks closer than it is, but there is no reason to try and climb over it in a 150, plus if something does go wrong, the river is your best option until you get some altitude. Mountain Home has always been my fuel stop when in that area, and is an option if you don't want to land at Gaston's. DA in June is around 3000-3500, haze is almost IFR, the last year I did the fly-in I had to climb to 8500 before I got out of it, and that takes some time in a 150.