Garmin Pilot for Android -- Tech Support, Tips, Tricks

I don't use GP so this is a totally ignorant speculation based on a total lack of knowledge but it would seem that the VFR sectional is not downloaded to the device. Feel free to totally ignore this. :D

well I uninstalled the app, reinstalled, re-downloaded every map I could and it seems to be working now. we'll chalk it up to 'user error' :)
well I uninstalled the app, reinstalled, re-downloaded every map I could and it seems to be working now. we'll chalk it up to 'user error' :)

Yeah, I have that problem more than I care to admit. lol.
I'm starting to think maybe it's not new. maybe it is, I dunno, but on both iPhone and my android tablet, if you select 'weather' as an overlay, then you get all those options to choose from and easily toggle between.

Unless I am missing something, as of the last minor update the Android version no longer allows selecting multiple wx data choices. For about 3 months it was a check list, now it seems to be a single radio button the ios version. I'm all for keeping them the same but in this case they seemed to dumb it down. I liked displaying the windbarb, ceiling and altimeter at the same time. Alas no more :(
Unless I am missing something, as of the last minor update the Android version no longer allows selecting multiple wx data choices. For about 3 months it was a check list, now it seems to be a single radio button the ios version. I'm all for keeping them the same but in this case they seemed to dumb it down. I liked displaying the windbarb, ceiling and altimeter at the same time. Alas no more :(

I'm at version 6.4.8 and it still allows that. In the "Station Model" WX mode, click on the icon next to the "Station Model" button:


That brings up the box where you can select the individual items for display. I hope that hasn't been removed in a newer version!
Awesome!!!! Thanks @lzeigenhals! And My Bad :(

When I first used it on Android I wonder if the default was station model which then showed the extra icon beside it. I probably never even clicked on the weather "Station Model" button (which is the weather selection button). So I was selecting just what I liked. When I got the iPad I didn't see it the same way and figured it was never there. Then back on Android I must have did something that no longer selected "station model". I will check tonight to clarify. Its possible the iOS and Android version both allow it which was one of my biggest peeves with the iOS version...other than the black screen lockup (which is 100% repeatable).
Anyone know how to get IFR approach procedure plates to overlay the map (georeferenced procedures) on Android? It worked last release, not working for me now. If I tap on an airport, tap on the airport info, then the PROC tab, I get an message stating no georeferenced procedures. I believe I have all the relevant info downloaded to my device. Any ideas?
Anyone know how to get IFR approach procedure plates to overlay the map (georeferenced procedures) on Android? It worked last release, not working for me now. If I tap on an airport, tap on the airport info, then the PROC tab, I get an message stating no georeferenced procedures. I believe I have all the relevant info downloaded to my device. Any ideas?

I think you need a premium subscription for the overlay to work.
I think I am seeing a nasty no-no in the Android version of GP. Twice now the following has happened:

  1. Have a iOS version and Android version available (we use one copy on iPad Mini 4 and one on a Galaxy Tab)
  2. Enter a very simply flight plan on either one.
  3. Sync so it shows up on the other.
  4. Make sure the brief is up to date (it shows the last time pulled so you can be sure).
  5. Compare the leg times and fuel and there is a discrepancy!!!
  6. As you compare the Android version seems to use some crazy nasty winds aloft data
  7. The iPad version seems to use the correct winds aloft - no matter which tablet creates the flight plan.
  8. Therefore the Android version seems to be generating bad flight planning times, fuel burns and wind corrections!!!

I tried the same on just the Android (iPad was off) on a day where it was unusually calm and hardly anything up high. Same problem. The Android seemed to use some crazy winds aloft data like 28kts when it was like 10kts or less. There is a feature in the Android version (didn't look at the iOS version) where you can clear the cache (or something like that). I did that and it seemed okay. But then just another flight later I was seeing the same thing.

Has anyone else seen this. Depending on the winds it can be pretty obvious. Its like it pulls the wx brief but is stuck using some static winds aloft.
Does anyone know how to edit or delete the user waypoints? They are not clickable in the map, and I cannot find a list. Thanks.

P.S. Woops, I found it. Settings -> User Waypoints. Duh.

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Anyone else having issues with the Personal Minimums in garmin pilot? No matter what I set mine to, or even if I clear them completely (making them inactive) every trip still shows as being below personal minimums.
...every trip still shows as being below personal minimums...
Did you ever figure this out? Every trip I've ever flown has been flagged below personal minimums (regardless if minimums established or not). Even though I know I'm all good, I always think I might have missed something in weather when I see that warning.
Did you ever figure this out? Every trip I've ever flown has been flagged below personal minimums (regardless if minimums established or not). Even though I know I'm all good, I always think I might have missed something in weather when I see that warning.

I don’t recall what happened but no, I don’t think I see this anymore.
I have a few user waypoints I want to delete.

Every time I go to "Settings," "User Content" and delete these waypoint, they reappear the next time I launch the app.

Any ideas?
I have a few user waypoints I want to delete.

Every time I go to "Settings," "User Content" and delete these waypoint, they reappear the next time I launch the app.

Any ideas?
To delete a user waypoint, I just tap on the waypoint then hit the flag icon to bring up the "edit user waypoint" dialog which has a delete button. I haven't seen one reappear yet.
To delete a user waypoint, I just tap on the waypoint then hit the flag icon to bring up the "edit user waypoint" dialog which has a delete button. I haven't seen one reappear yet.

I've done it that way multiple times and the waypoints always reappear.
To delete a user waypoint, I just tap on the waypoint then hit the flag icon to bring up the "edit user waypoint" dialog which has a delete button. I haven't seen one reappear yet.

worked fine for me but I'm on iOS so as usual I'm absolutely no help at all.