I have been beta testing EFB software for close to ten years. I've come to the conclusion that the apps should have two display modes, "pretty" and "flight." The "pretty" display mode has the dancing bears, patriotic tunes, subtle icons, etc. and its purpose is to sell the product. It looks great to the customer in his easy chair at home. The "flight" display mode is ugly, with harsh and contrasty white on black lettering, brightly color coded function buttons, zero obscure icons, etc. It works well in a bright cockpit like most low-wings.
IMO iFly is sort of on the fence, with a bias towards the "flight" type functional but ugly display. That's one of the reasons I like it, but obviously YMMV.
Another thing I have learned over the years is that the most obnoxious software is the stuff that functionally replaces something that I have become comfortable using. Like a new release of M$ Word. All the comfortable tricks and shortcuts are gone, I have to hunt around for things that I used to know how to find instantly, etc. I get angry. But I have not yet discovered all the cool new things that the replacement can do and I have not yet developed a new set of tricks. The Word "ribbon" is the poster child. I still hate the damned thing. So IMO that's the reason new software doesn't automatically "feel" right for me. Maybe for you too?