Garmin Pilot for Android -- Tech Support, Tips, Tricks

This alert message ability just came out a couple days ago. I would have figured someone at Garmin would have tried to enter a numeric digit during testing.

Some pretty glaring things sometimes get missed in software testing.
Do any of you use 10 inch screens? How is that working out?
Had an iPad 2, ditched it because of the lousy software. But it was too big in the cockpit. The only place I could have it was on my knee. Hard to read that far away plus I use my kneeboard to take notes.

Some airplane yokes (Mooney) are too small to take a 10" tablet with a yoke mount. Most airplanes IMHO, a yoke mount blocks a lot of the panel as well.

Where do you keep the tablet?
I now mount an N7 with a suction cup to either the corner of the windshield or to the side window, depending on the airplane and which side I am sitting on. The screen is so much closer to my eyes than the kneeboard that the image on the smaller screen is actually bigger and easier to read.

This RAM photo is a 10" tablet I think. IMHO too big for a high window mount and blocks some instruments, but you can see the concept. A 7" works much better.


My mount is based on the small "A" size RAM hardware with a few home-made bits. The "A" stuff is a lot less bulky than the more common "B" with 1" balls, which is what is shown in the picture I think. This helps to keep the window mounting hardware from taking excessive space.

I would have figured someone at Garmin would have tried to enter a numeric digit during testing.
The pressure to release for OSH probably shortened a lot of vendors' testing compared to what they would normally do. Marketing, not Engineering, would be driving the release.
Don't assume they do much testing. IMHO, it is pretty lacking.

Some pretty glaring things sometimes get missed in software testing.

Yeah - and that's what I do all day long. I just can't figure out how to get my foot in the door with them - they seem to prefer new-hires right out of school than someone with 25+ yrs in the bidness.

But GP isn't ever going to certified as long as it's for a tablet/phone, so it will always have more quirks than expected.
Re: the question about using 10" tablets. Many of us (including me) started with the 10" iPad, and ditched it for being too big on the cockpit. I also personally couldn't stand the Apple iOS prison, but that was a secondary reason for selling my iPad.

The 7" tablets really hit the sweet spot, for size, and the Nexus 7 has been -- and now, continues to be, thanks to the latest release -- the best of the 7" tablet options.
I am thinking about getting a tablet to use as a GPS in the cockpit.............
I am also curious about external GPS units.............

Frank, I have a N7 in a RAM yoke mount I just installed recently in my Mooney. I bought the kit that Marauder clued me in on (Kit description: RAM Mount Tab-Tite Small Tablet Clamp Yoke Mount). It's good, but for my space I am going to try some different options. The N7 is too close to me, i.e. it sticks out from the yoke a considerable distance towards me. I have ordered in the shortest arm, the kit ships with the middle length arm of the three available. I have also ordered the X-Grip II which I am skeptical about but I will give it a try and a suction mount for the side window. My quirk is that I really don't want to take the N7 out of its MoKo Slim case. That's why I ordered the current set-up. The holder, as close as it is right now, eats a little more visibility of the panel than I would like due to the clamping mechanism that holds the N7. The X-Grip will not impair any more than the tablet itself (no top tray that grabs the top of the tablet and case). I would attach pictures but I am clueless about how to do that. As far as the GPS, I do not have the GDL39 which I believe is the only one that works with GP. I still have my 496 with XM and weather which I will cancel pretty quick and acquire the GDL39 since GP is working wonderfully. It combines a bunch of things I was doing separately all into one package. Amending a flight plan can be a little challenging but that's a different subject. Hope this helps.
Frank, here are the pics (I hope) that I couldn't figure out how to upload.
RAM 1 072413.jpg

RAM 2 072413.jpg
... a suction mount for the side window.
My current project is to optimize my window mount. I thought you guys might be interested in a few pix:

The first photo is an assortment of bits. Lower left are some suction mounts I'm playing with. Upper left is my current favorite N7 window mount rig. All of this stuff is using the RAM "A" size balls. Upper right is some RAM "B" 1" ball hardware just for size comparison.

Here is a side view of the current N7 rig. The goal has been to get the back of the N7 to be as close as possible to the window or window pillar. This helps keep it out of the way and not blocking anything on the panel. This setup uses a modified version of this suction cup:

Here is a side view using the standard RAM suction cup: I think someone could put something like this together using standard RAM parts, no mods. The disadvantage is that the RAM cup is pretty bulky and overkill for the weight of the N7.

Finally, there is a somewhat obscure RAM suction mount: that includes a "B" ball molded in place. It is less bulky than the more common one. There's a modified version of this item in the first picture above.

Anyone wants more info on the mods let me know. I don't want to waste space here if no one is interested. Depending on what tools you have, there are lots of options.
I want to see pics of it installed too!
Frank, here are the pics (I hope) that I couldn't figure out how to upload.
View attachment 30588

View attachment 30589

Hi Phil. I will take a picture of my extension piece, the one in your picture looks a little bit longer than mine. Also, how tall are you? I'm 6'4" and the angle I look down to the panel may be the difference.

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Frank -- I believe the $9.99 is the basic monthly subscription rate. If you buy the basic yearly VFR package, it is cheaper.

Oops didn't see Loren had already responded.
My current project is to optimize my window mount. I thought you guys might be interested in a few pix:

The first photo is an assortment of bits. Lower left are some suction mounts I'm playing with. Upper left is my current favorite N7 window mount rig. All of this stuff is using the RAM "A" size balls. Upper right is some RAM "B" 1" ball hardware just for size comparison.

Here is a side view of the current N7 rig. The goal has been to get the back of the N7 to be as close as possible to the window or window pillar. This helps keep it out of the way and not blocking anything on the panel. This setup uses a modified version of this suction cup:

Here is a side view using the standard RAM suction cup: I think someone could put something like this together using standard RAM parts, no mods. The disadvantage is that the RAM cup is pretty bulky and overkill for the weight of the N7.

Finally, there is a somewhat obscure RAM suction mount: that includes a "B" ball molded in place. It is less bulky than the more common one. There's a modified version of this item in the first picture above.

Anyone wants more info on the mods let me know. I don't want to waste space here if no one is interested. Depending on what tools you have, there are lots of options.

What's the cradle mount for the N7? I haven't seen that one.
Marauder, I think 6'4" but somehow, magically, measure 5'10". :D
Sent an e-mail to Garmin about the Alert message problems I've been having. Got this back a couple hours later:

I just got back from talking with the developers about this issue and apparently it is a known bug (I wish they would have told me).* Numeric entry is broken and the developers are working on an update to get it fixed.* Wde just pushed out version 2.6.1 to fix a lightning data bug and we will have another update out soon to fix this issue as well.
Sent an e-mail to Garmin about the Alert message problems I've been having. Got this back a couple hours later:

I just got back from talking with the developers about this issue and apparently it is a known bug (I wish they would have told me).* Numeric entry is broken and the developers are working on an update to get it fixed.* Wde just pushed out version 2.6.1 to fix a lightning data bug and we will have another update out soon to fix this issue as well.

I can assure you, as soon as it is mentioned here, it is a "known bug"! They are monitoring this thread and other GP threads here closely.
Base price is $74.99


VFR Premium $49.99
Terrain, terrain/obstacle alerts, SafeTaxi charts


IFR Premium $74.99
Includes VFR Premium plus geo-referenced approach plates

Looking in the android version they still have the old pricing model (base, safetaxi, geo-ref approaches). SafeTaxi alone is half the VFR premium price.

How do they handle existing SafeTaxi subscribers on iOS? Do they give them the terrain for free, do they get some kind of credit towards upgrading, or do they basically have to buy it over again? Terrain is not yet available on Android and I haven't subscribed yet and have no urgent need to do so yet (still training), but I'm sure I'll want it at some point.
Looking in the android version they still have the old pricing model (base, safetaxi, geo-ref approaches). SafeTaxi alone is half the VFR premium price.

How do they handle existing SafeTaxi subscribers on iOS? Do they give them the terrain for free, do they get some kind of credit towards upgrading, or do they basically have to buy it over again? Terrain is not yet available on Android and I haven't subscribed yet and have no urgent need to do so yet (still training), but I'm sure I'll want it at some point.

Yes, according to the What's New document, if you already have SafeTaxi you get terrain and obstacle data at no charge for the remainder of your subscription.


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I can assure you, as soon as it is mentioned here, it is a "known bug"! They are monitoring this thread and other GP threads here closely.

Good. While they are at it, please put a decimal zero after the Yakima VOR frequency. It is listed as 116 rather than 116.0.
Good. While they are at it, please put a decimal zero after the Yakima VOR frequency. It is listed as 116 rather than 116.0.

I suspect that data comes from elsewhere but they can probably feed it up the chain.
... please put a decimal zero after the Yakima VOR frequency. It is listed as 116 rather than 116.0.
It's a display formatting issue, not really a data issue. Non-pilots don't understand that we want to see at least one digit after the decimal place for frequencies and three digits (020) and not two (20) for compass directions. I once made an inadvertent downwind landing due to the latter formatting issue. Both the ATP in the right seat and I misinterpreted the METAR on the G1000 screen, reading 20 like a runway direction (200) rather than as 020. Whee!
I want to see pics of it installed too!
OK, here you go -- in an Arrow.

Here's a photo with the mount on the side window: On this airplane that's my preference. Note that with the tablet maybe 10" from the pilot's nose, the screen is much bigger than the view of a 10" table way down on a kneeboard.

Here's a photo with the mount on the windshield: On some airplanes this seems to work, but here it is a little awkward. One must take care to keep it from interfering with the yoke and it is blocking easy view of the clock and the JPI.

In both cases, the N7 screen is tilted slightly down and into the cockpit, so you don't get bright reflections from windows.

What's the cradle mount for the N7? I haven't seen that one.
Here: IIRC I bought this one before RAM has theirs tooled. It has a knob sort of thing on the back that just snaps off, leaving a nice flat surface for attaching stuff. The video on the eBay page illustrates. They also sell other variations using that same tray.
I tried the new version of Pilot for Android.
I'm not happy, as the Baron XM weather functionality is broken.

The connection screen shows NEXRAD data as being received, but it is not displayed on the screen. METARS are similarly shown as being received. When I turn on the Weather layer and select Age, everything shows up as 8,000 in age. However, when I look at the METARS for each site, they display correctly.

They added cute new fun features that I never asked for and took away something that really mattered. Good thing I have a Stormscope.
I tried the new version of Pilot for Android.
I'm not happy, as the Baron XM weather functionality is broken.

The connection screen shows NEXRAD data as being received, but it is not displayed on the screen. METARS are similarly shown as being received. When I turn on the Weather layer and select Age, everything shows up as 8,000 in age. However, when I look at the METARS for each site, they display correctly.

They added cute new fun features that I never asked for and took away something that really mattered. Good thing I have a Stormscope.

That's some really old weather. I'm sure they're looking at the XM weather link issue.
Called Garmin support. It's a recognized issue and they gave me the number of the developer's (Digital Cyclone's) shop. There are at least six people who have reported the problem. I don't know whether the developers know about it yet.

The problem appears to be that the dates of weather items are not being passed to the display software. In the case of NEXRAD, the software is probably programmed not to display at all unless the data is recent.

Alas, everyone at Digital Cyclone seems to be sleeping in this morning.

Clearly not a good idea to launch a new release when the company is shorthanded due to Oshkosh.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a show special for Garmin Pilot app....
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Digital Cyclone just got back to me, and they expect a fix for the bug to be sent out tonight.
FYI: the new update worked fine all the way from the Gulf of Mexico to Oshkosh. The new overlay features are NICE.
I guess there is no update to the GDL 39 announced at OSH.

I thought there might be chance since the '39 is on their first generation and Stratus a few months back went to v2

In general I haven't seen many announcements for hardware or software.
I guess there is no update to the GDL 39 announced at OSH.

I thought there might be chance since the '39 is on their first generation and Stratus a few months back went to v2

In general I haven't seen many announcements for hardware or software.

Being two-channel from the start, they aren't as far behind the curve as some of the early products, but I, too, thought maybe they'd announce an AHRS-equipped version. I didn't get to spend much time at their booth, so didn't get a chance to ask.

On the way home I snapped this pic of a Garmin-driven cockpit! :D
Two Android devices, one iPad and a portable aviation unit.


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When the price dropped several weeks ago, I thought that might be a clue of a new model being introduced.
Great tech pic! Were the AGL readings similar or did you see variation?