Garmin Pilot for Android -- Tech Support, Tips, Tricks

I admit to being somewhat lazy in that I didn't read all 23 pages of this thread to search for the answer to questions so hopefully someone can help here.

I have an iPad 3 that I use GP on and absolutely love it for IFR and VFR. I also use wingx but it is the runner up for me behind GP. I have GP on my Android phone as well.

I am looking at buying a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 (just because it looks cool and it's only $169 at best buy right now!!).

So my questions...

Generally speaking, how do you guys like GP on the Android tablets vs GP on the iPad? I specifically like, no...LOVE, the Dynamic Maps on the the iPad version of GP. I can barely stand to look at sectional or low enroute charts anymore (and I've been looking at them for almost 30 years of flying)!! GP doesnt have the Dynamic maps (yet?) for the Android phones but is it available for the Android tablets?

Any opinions (this isn't the red board, so I can safely ask for opinions :D) as to how well GP will run on the Samsung Galaxy 2 7.0?
Are there other significant differences between GP for android (for tablets) and theiPad?

Chris -- I have GP on both an iPad 2 and a Nexus 7. The version on iOS is more refined than the Andriod version. Features often appear on iOS before they typically do on my Nexus. The only reason I am on the Nexus is that it was a lot cheaper than the Mini. Does it work? Yep. People happy with it? Yep. Is it as well refined as the iOS version? IMHO, no. But they are trying to catch up.
I admit to being somewhat lazy in that I didn't read all 23 pages of this thread to search for the answer to questions so hopefully someone can help here.

I have an iPad 3 that I use GP on and absolutely love it for IFR and VFR. I also use wingx but it is the runner up for me behind GP. I have GP on my Android phone as well.

I am looking at buying a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 (just because it looks cool and it's only $169 at best buy right now!!).

So my questions...

Generally speaking, how do you guys like GP on the Android tablets vs GP on the iPad? I specifically like, no...LOVE, the Dynamic Maps on the the iPad version of GP. I can barely stand to look at sectional or low enroute charts anymore (and I've been looking at them for almost 30 years of flying)!! GP doesnt have the Dynamic maps (yet?) for the Android phones but is it available for the Android tablets?

Any opinions (this isn't the red board, so I can safely ask for opinions :D) as to how well GP will run on the Samsung Galaxy 2 7.0?
Are there other significant differences between GP for android (for tablets) and theiPad?

What is meant by "dynamic" maps?
Here is a screen shot from my Nexus for a restricted area near me. Not only does it not paint the restricted area, the information is different in each app!

iPad version


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Jay, these are screen shots of my iPad with Dynamic Maps selected.

The white is IFR and green is VFR. Of course , there are tons of setting/overlay options with each. These dynamic maps make so much more sense than the traditional aeronautical charts.

The pink hatched lines are MOAs and the blue hatched lines are restricted areas. You can also see the blue class B lines around Tampa. KRSW and KPBI are Class C in black. Zooming in will show much more detail.

Are these maps not an option with the tablet GP? They are not an option on my HTC EVO 4G LTE phone.


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Can "Dynamic mapping" overlay that info on a sectional view? Or is it "dynamic" only when displayed over the base map, or the IFR Low map?

In Android, GP displays all of that on the various maps, although not with the same methodology. There are no broad areas of crosshatching to depict IFR, for example. Instead, it displays color-coded dots (Red for IFR, etc) over the airports to achieve the same effect.
This is the ipad version? It looks like it is showing the restricted area.

Hi Chris. Both are showing the restricted area details (although the altitudes don't match for R-4008). The Garmin version highlights the boundary of the restricted area. The Android version does not.
Can "Dynamic mapping" overlay that info on a sectional view? Or is it "dynamic" only when displayed over the base map, or the IFR Low map?

In Android, GP displays all of that on the various maps, although not with the same methodology. There are no broad areas of crosshatching to depict IFR, for example. Instead, it displays color-coded dots (Red for IFR, etc) over the airports to achieve the same effect.

I think of dynamic mapping more of a base map with specific details overlaid depending on what you are interest in. I will post a couple of screen shots to show you in a couple of minutes. I believe the dynamic maps were installed to mimic the Garmin portables. Less clutter.
Jay, I second what Marauder said about the dynamic maps. Here is another screenshot showing the airports of KFMY and KRSW with Safetaxi enabled. You can begin to see the airport detail. Keep zooming ang the airport gets bigger with much more detail. Damn if this ain't the coolest thing ever!! Does Anroid GP do this? It doesn't with my android phone. Either way, no biggie, GP still rocks and it seems as if they are pretty commuted to android.


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Jay, I second what Marauder said about the dynamic maps. Here is another screenshot showing the airports of KFMY and KRSW with Safetaxi enabled. You can begin to see the airport detail. Keep zooming ang the airport gets bigger with much more detail. Damn if this ain't the coolest thing ever!! Does Anroid GP do this? It doesn't with my android phone. Either way, no biggie, GP still rocks and it seems as if they are pretty commuted to android.

Hmmm. That IS different. What I was remembering as "Base Map" in Android is actually called "Roads and Borders", and only shows the airports you are flying from/to in your flight plan. It's not really usable as a "decluttering" method, IMHO, since I would always want all airports depicted.

It's not entirely clear to me why you would ever want to eliminate the sectional chart display, just to make your tablet look like (for example) a 496's screen. I bought this device specifically FOR the moving sectional maps, so why would I ever turn that feature off? :lol:

For us, our method of using GP has evolved to this: We use the split screen mode with the moving map on top, and the instrument panel on the bottom (which gives the back seater in our RV-8 a complete "Sacred Six" of instruments) until we get close to landing.

When we're ten miles out, we switch the bottom half to display Safe Taxi, which gives the back seater the ability to direct the PIC whilst taxiing. It works GREAT.

It really is interesting to see how Garmin literally set their teams loose independently with the Apple and Android operating systems.
Huh. Thanks to all this screwing around, looking at the inner workings of Garmin Pilot, I stumbled across the page that says my GP subscription expires on 7/23. :nonod:

Oshkosh was earlier last year! That's where we originally bought it, and I had planned to take advantage of a hoped-for "show special" to renew this year, but that's out of the question, now. I'm not sure I know how to fly without this app anymore! :lol:
It's not entirely clear to me why you would ever want to eliminate the sectional chart display, just to make your tablet look like (for example) a 496's screen. I bought this device specifically FOR the moving sectional maps, so why would I ever turn that feature off? :lol:

Jay, it's just a personal preference for me...I just prefer to look at the VFR or IFR Garmin map vs the sectional or low enrt chart. I like the fact that I can customize to fit my needs/wants. Perhaps it's just me but the sectionals are a bit too cluttered...and again, I've been flying with them for a long time now. Even when I use WingX when I'm flying I usually have the terrain map up (similar, but no where as good as GPs maps). Everyone has their own preference and I certainly respect that! I do hope that Garmin offered the dynamin maps for android in a near future update
Okay, I get it. That's called the "Base Map" in Android.

No, the base map is a bitmap image. The iPad version has vector maps for VFR and IFR. Biggest advantage is that in north up mode text appears properly oriented.
No, the base map is a bitmap image. The iPad version has vector maps for VFR and IFR. Biggest advantage is that in north up mode text appears properly oriented.

Yep, I realized that a few posts upstream. ;)

I wonder when/if the Android version will get them?
LD, I'm certainly not doubting you but is that just speculation or do you have info that makes you think so? I would also like to a terrain/obstacle feature in a near future update...any word on that?

Chris -- as I mentioned earlier, GP on Android lags a bit in keeping up with the iOS version. I think both versions will continue to evolve to stay ahead of the competition. Garmin does IMHO a better job than most in keeping up with the Jone's on features. Running GP, ForeFlight and a trial version of WingX (as well as Xavion) on multiple formats has me convinced that regardless of which one you use, it will be close to the functionality of the others. It is just those little nagging things that I don't like (like GP not have an auto route capability like ForeFlight OR ForeFlight not having spit screens like GP and WingX).

Here is a shot of WingX using the terrain and VFR sectional.


I hope Oshkosh has some great announcements. At some point I need to stop using 3 of these apps!
Chris -- as I mentioned earlier, GP on Android lags a bit in keeping up with the iOS version. I think both versions will continue to evolve to stay ahead of the competition. Garmin does IMHO a better job than most in keeping up with the Jone's on features. Running GP, ForeFlight and a trial version of WingX (as well as Xavion) on multiple formats has me convinced that regardless of which one you use, it will be close to the functionality of the others. It is just those little nagging things that I don't like (like GP not have an auto route capability like ForeFlight OR ForeFlight not having spit screens like GP and WingX).

Here is a shot of WingX using the terrain and VFR sectional.

I hope Oshkosh has some great announcements. At some point I need to stop using 3 of these apps!

All good points and I agree. I DO like WingX...ALOT...and use it frequently on my iiPad 3. I just wish Hilton would add radar/lightning overlays. This, to me is a major shortcoming in wingx. The flight planning/routing is lacking as well. FF is the winner in the flight planning/routing area...although I'm not dissatisfied with how GP handles it. All things considered I like Garmin the most.
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The lack of weather overlays on the WingX map is my major complaint with their app. I like the Garmin App because it looks just like my GTN GPS. This makes for a nice and easy transition while using it in the cockpit. Can't wait to see what the next gen of these apps bring.


Huh. Thanks to all this screwing around, looking at the inner workings of Garmin Pilot, I stumbled across the page that says my GP subscription expires on 7/23. :nonod:

Oshkosh was earlier last year! That's where we originally bought it, and I had planned to take advantage of a hoped-for "show special" to renew this year, but that's out of the question, now. I'm not sure I know how to fly without this app anymore! :lol:

Jay - I'm in the same boat with my subscription expiring on August 3rd. I sat and looked at the "$49.99 special" for months and kept putting it off. Let me know if you find a new special somewhere.
Jay - I'm in the same boat with my subscription expiring on August 3rd. I sat and looked at the "$49.99 special" for months and kept putting it off. Let me know if you find a new special somewhere.

Too late for me -- I re-upped.

And you know what? It's worth every penny. I think back just a few years ago, when something like the Nexus 7 would have only been available on a Star Trek movie set, and pinch myself. We truly live in amazing times!
And you know what? It's worth every penny. I think back just a few years ago, when something like the Nexus 7 would have only been available on a Star Trek movie set, and pinch myself. We truly live in amazing times!

I don't disagree, and will re-up if I don't find anything by the 3rd, but $30 is $30! :-) I only fly once a month or so, so it's really only top of mind when someone replies to this thread.
Alright, still no ADS-B radar on today's flights -- and we've got massive storms throughout Texas.

I've tried everything I can think of, short of uninstalling/reinstalling the app.

Anyone got a better idea? I need radar to work before we launch for OSH.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3...
LD, I'm certainly not doubting you but is that just speculation or do you have info that makes you think so? I would also like to see a terrain/obstacle feature in a near future update...any word on that?

Garmin is innovating on stuff and playing catchup on other stuff. The iOS features continue to lead the Android, but they're committed to achieving parity on them eventually. I have seen the'll like it.
Alright, still no ADS-B radar on today's flights -- and we've got massive storms throughout Texas.

I've tried everything I can think of, short of uninstalling/reinstalling the app.

Anyone got a better idea? I need radar to work before we launch for OSH.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3...

You sure you don't have opacity turned down?
Same picture. Opacity on 1st is 75% max scale, the other is all the way down.


Did you check the status screen that shows the age of the various data elements?

Opacity is set all the way up. The status screen shows that ADS-B radar data is being received.

Nothing is displaying. It's really weird, because it used to work perfectly.
Just did the nuclear option -- deletion/reinstallation.

It remains to be seen if ADS-B radar works (can't check that from my LazyBoy), but the app is already running better in other ways. The display is updating faster, network weather is loading faster, and a few other glitches have resolved themselves.

Methinks a clean reinstall was a good thing.
Just did the nuclear option -- deletion/reinstallation.

It remains to be seen if ADS-B radar works (can't check that from my LazyBoy), but the app is already running better in other ways. The display is updating faster, network weather is loading faster, and a few other glitches have resolved themselves.

Methinks a clean reinstall was a good thing.

I have given some of my apps a "damn good thrashing" as well. I did notice after one of the major updates, GP has taken a lot longer to load. I uninstalled it and installed again only to find no improvement. I also think the current version is a bit more of a memory hog and find it works better when I make sure I close down all the other apps and sometimes do a clean boot of the hardware.

I know you will keep us posted on your progress.
The lack of weather overlays on the WingX map is my major complaint with their app. I like the Garmin App because it looks just like my GTN GPS. This makes for a nice and easy transition while using it in the cockpit. Can't wait to see what the next gen of these apps bring.



How long before you're hitting PROC on the ipad to select your approach?
I have given some of my apps a "damn good thrashing" as well. I did notice after one of the major updates, GP has taken a lot longer to load. I uninstalled it and installed again only to find no improvement. I also think the current version is a bit more of a memory hog and find it works better when I make sure I close down all the other apps and sometimes do a clean boot of the hardware.

I know you will keep us posted on your progress.

Went to the airport, but the wind was pretty blustery, and the radar pretty active, for a flight.

HOWEVER, just for the halibut I fired up the GDL-39 and Garmin Pilot INSIDE THE HANGAR. Amazingly, I was able to pick up one ADS-B ground station, located just 1.8 miles away. Dunno if it's out on an oil drilling platform, or what, but it was enough to feed me live radar! :D

Ironically, I had radar but no sectionals, or even a base map. Apparently my clean reinstall wiped out all of my charts, so I will have to download them when I get home.

I hope that doesn't kill my radar! lol

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3...
How long before you're hitting PROC on the ipad to select your approach?

Well Aspen worked out the means to communicate via WiFi from your ForeFlight to the Garmin 430/530 series. I expect, not too long! :)
Went to the airport, but the wind was pretty blustery, and the radar pretty active, for a flight.

HOWEVER, just for the halibut I fired up the GDL-39 and Garmin Pilot INSIDE THE HANGAR. Amazingly, I was able to pick up one ADS-B ground station, located just 1.8 miles away. Dunno if it's out on an oil drilling platform, or what, but it was enough to feed me live radar! :D

Ironically, I had radar but no sectionals, or even a base map. Apparently my clean reinstall wiped out all of my charts, so I will have to download them when I get home.

I hope that doesn't kill my radar! lol

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3...

When I did the reload, it required me to reload my maps. Let is know what happens!