GARMIN does not show ETA distance or time.


Filing Flight Plan
Jul 14, 2020
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Using Garmin on iPad and it stopped showing Distance and ETA for DESTINATION when flying "direct to" an airport. It shows it under "NEXT" but not for "DESTINATION". I'm sure it has to do with how I input something or a setting but I cannot figure it out.
You’re talking about the data fields up top on the map view, right? Do the data fields show blank or have they changed (tap on the field to change what it displays)?

If they are blank (or dashes), check to see that your destination airport is the actual destination on your flight plan and not the final point in the “Enroute” section.

Here is KTLH in the Enroute section- May not show ETA/Time to destination because none is defined:


Here is KTLH as destination. May solve your problem:

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
That could be the issue, although I have only used it on a simple "direct to" command from the radial menu to a single, nearby airport, so I don't think it populates the enroute section. But I need to check. Good info, thanks,.