Gami gas has arrived...

TL;DR Looks like apple juice. Smells like turpentine. Can lean more aggressively. Much more apt to leave stains. Leaves a fair amount of soot but is easily cleaned.
Looks like apple juice; I would have thought they would have required a color to be added, as they do blue for LL.
And then this... The cliff notes of the .PDF

* Free STC for RHV and E16 based aircraft.
* Free I.A. Signoff Saturday Nov. 2, from 9am – 6pm at RHV
* Fuel credit voucher for those RHV- and E16-based owners who previously paid for their STCs! *Use by Nov. 23, 2024.
* Free G100UL fuel, up to 25 gallons for bay area airport based aircraft if you register and fly into RHV on Nov. 2, 2024.


  • gami-incentive-notification-2024-10-29.pdf
    290 KB · Views: 9
Just got an email from my previous EAA chapter. It included this document: G1000U Promotion

Those who've already gotten the STCs will get a voucher for 50 gallons of G100UL.

(I caught my mistake before I posted. I originally said: G1000UL, Who wouldn't want 1000 octane gas?)
At Reid Hillview. Someone on Facebook reported it was 6.99 a gallon. Cheaper than I thought considering UL94 there is 7.59.

I started a thread here a month ago regarding price of the New UL Fuel. Most members seemed to think UL would be higher. Glad your post gives an example of the contrary
Just got an email from my previous EAA chapter. It included this document: G1000U Promotion

Those who've already gotten the STCs will get a voucher for 50 gallons of G100UL....
New STC purchasers at KRHV and E16 get FULL refunds of the STC purchase price and an AI will be made available on 02 November to sign off the 337.
The offers are good until midnight 01 November.

Run! Don't walk.
green dye? uh oh…. I’m slightly blue/green colorblind but not enough to need a SODA
So the offer expires before the AI is available????

I'm so confused.....
Purchase the stc online by Friday. Come to the airport Saturday when you're off work and the IA will sign it off.