Touchdown! Greaser!
As with anything else, it all depends.
Business travel with multiple stops in smaller communities over a few days? GA generally wins.
Travel to/from major hubs w/little competition (yes, Cincinnati, I'm talking about you). GA usually wins cost-wise under 750 miles. Time-wise, GA wins door-door under about 400 miles.
Long haul (DC-LAX): airlines win.
International: airlines win.
Pure pleasure flying? GA.
Cities that are infrequently served, GA may or may not win.
When I was in San Antonio, I did both, a lot. It was faster/cheaper to fly myself from SA to New Orleans and avoid a connection in Houston. It was faster (and FAR cheaper) to fly myself on a 5 day trip that would go San Antonio - Memphis - Charlotte - Blacksburg - Fort Meade - Cincinnati - San Antonio than it would ever have been to go commercial. SA to downtown Dallas GA was much more convenient, though a wash time-wise.
Going to LAX from Washington, however, the commercial RT fares are $250-$500 on a reasonable advance purchase, making GA completely noncompetitive.
Business travel with multiple stops in smaller communities over a few days? GA generally wins.
Travel to/from major hubs w/little competition (yes, Cincinnati, I'm talking about you). GA usually wins cost-wise under 750 miles. Time-wise, GA wins door-door under about 400 miles.
Long haul (DC-LAX): airlines win.
International: airlines win.
Pure pleasure flying? GA.
Cities that are infrequently served, GA may or may not win.
When I was in San Antonio, I did both, a lot. It was faster/cheaper to fly myself from SA to New Orleans and avoid a connection in Houston. It was faster (and FAR cheaper) to fly myself on a 5 day trip that would go San Antonio - Memphis - Charlotte - Blacksburg - Fort Meade - Cincinnati - San Antonio than it would ever have been to go commercial. SA to downtown Dallas GA was much more convenient, though a wash time-wise.
Going to LAX from Washington, however, the commercial RT fares are $250-$500 on a reasonable advance purchase, making GA completely noncompetitive.