GA aviation

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Don't think to much into.

Basically share what drives you to fly even in a world of rules, regs, and cost.

Rules, regulations and cost apply to about anything we do. I like flying. Why? In spite of the rules there's a bunch of freedom associated with flying. I can go where I want, when I want. I can get there faster than if I drive. Cross state is just over 2 hours, even in a 172. 5 1/2 to 6 hours driving. Even riding the commercial airlines is a slower way to get across the state when you figure in the 1 hour drive to the airport, arrive 2 hours before flight time and then the flight. They haven't taken off and I'm already tied down at my destination. The view is much better flying than driving.

As much as that sounds like a joke, I've used the golf-ball launching attachment with an AR15. There are 2 types of blanks for AR15/M16. The first is a practice blank for "live fire" drills with a blank-firing adapter. Those are the ones used to launch the golf balls. The others are designed to launch a grenade off of the muzzle of the rifle. We had some of these, and the pressure is so high that they separate the casing off the golf ball resulting in the ball flying only 30-40 yards (instead of hundreds of yards) and being non-reusable (not that we find too many golf balls after firing them).
As much as that sounds like a joke, I've used the golf-ball launching attachment with an AR15. There are 2 types of blanks for AR15/M16. The first is a practice blank for "live fire" drills with a blank-firing adapter. Those are the ones used to launch the golf balls. The others are designed to launch a grenade off of the muzzle of the rifle. We had some of these, and the pressure is so high that they separate the casing off the golf ball resulting in the ball flying only 30-40 yards (instead of hundreds of yards) and being non-reusable (not that we find too many golf balls after firing them).

I knew it wasn't a joke. I was laughing at what it does to the poor ball if you use the stronger blank. And laughing that someone posted it. :)
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