G600txi - Avidyne IFD 540 or GTN750xi?


Apr 4, 2019
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I upgraded my last plane’s 430W to a IFD 440, which was a great experience, and gave me lots of time with the IFD. I am selling that plane now, which leads to a dilemma.

Just bought a T210 which has the G600txi, a 480, a 430W, a GTX330 (non es), with a STEC 55x AP.

I would like to upgrade the 480/430, and re-racking the 430 to a 530 tray and going to a IFD540 will be easy installation wise , but I am curious if I lose anything doing that vs the GTN750xi, especially with regard to the G600txi integration?

Here’s what I see for IFD pros/cons now:

* cheaper to install
* Familiar to me (2 years using IFD), and like the UI better in the IFD.
* has wireless already / FF integration

* some issues with G500 AP integration (if I go that way long term) due to lack of ARINC flight plan interface (that the GTN has with the g600)
* g600 will have a different interface logic than the IFD

UNKNOWN: (Please help me here)
* what will be missing from the “package” if I do the IFD?
- will I see flight plans, charts, syn vis etc the same as the GTN?
- are there ways that the G600txi TXI will control the GTN that wont be present with the IFD?
- anything else?


One thing to remember is that any kind of issue you have with the G600 that could possibly be related to the IFD, garmin will say it's the IFD's fault. And then you'll call Avidyne, and they'll say it's garmin's fault...etc etc.
One thing to remember is that any kind of issue you have with the G600 that could possibly be related to the IFD, garmin will say it's the IFD's fault. And then you'll call Avidyne, and they'll say it's garmin's fault...etc etc.

"You" shouldn't have to call anybody. That's what we hire qualified avionics shops to tell us in advance how it should all work together and to make-it-so, if it doesn't.
* some issues with G500 AP integration (if I go that way long term) due to lack of ARINC flight plan interface (that the GTN has with the g600)

Maybe I missed something, but when you say G500 are you referring to G500, G600 TXi, or GFC 500? Maybe G600 typo, but in case GFC 500 I believe VNAV may be missing with the IFD. Also, I think GTN 750 TXi could cross-fill to 430W but I don't know to what degree.
Btw, you could (if not already done) download the free Garmin Aviation Trainer and install the G600 Txi and GTN 750 Xi, then try almost everything.
Garmin doesn't like to play with others, and you have stellar glass in that G600txi. Suggest keeping the 430W, delete the non wass 430, put in a GTN 650xi (or 750xi) which can project on the G600txi, get a GTX 345 so you can get ADSB In. Everybody talks to each other, autopilot should still be happy, you get traffic and weather on your GTN 750 as well as your G600 if you want, etc.
agree with others, since you are already a all garmin panel apart from the AP, suggest you stick to it. if you do go to GFC 500, you wont have the VNAV coupled unless you have Garmin Nav
I 100% agree with the others. If you already have a G600txi stick with Garmin! Get a GTN650 and sell the 480 and 430w. You will be surprised how much you will get for them. Get a GNC 355 as a com 2 and backup. I love spending others money! But honestly that’s what I would probably do.
Thanks all. I'm leaning toward the 750 + gtx345 + gnc255.

I will do the math about combining the transponder or the navcom with the GPS as in the GNC 355 to see if any of that makes sense as well to give me some added redundancy.
Thanks all. I'm leaning toward the 750 + gtx345 + gnc255.

I will do the math about combining the transponder or the navcom with the GPS as in the GNC 355 to see if any of that makes sense as well to give me some added redundancy.

If you want IFR GPS redundancy just keep the 430W. The GTN will crossfill the GNS WAAS navigator.