G1000 simulator - dual monitors, PFD and MFD at the same time


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
Midlothian, TX
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The newest version of the Garmin G1000 Trainer software finally supports dual monitors; I've got two LCDs and can put the PFD on the left, and the MFD on the right, and see both at the same time, working in unison.

Yoke and rudder pedals work better (their site says "peddles"... ha ha ha).

You can use the cool "FMS-style" controller that the Columbia has!

The only bad part--they raised the price from a nominal under-$10 CD and Shipping Fee to $24.95!

In any case, here's the new feature set:

  • Improved interface with Intel integrated graphics controllers

  • Dual computer monitor support

  • Dual GDU display — able to display PFD and MFD simultaneously

  • Remote Controllers — additional controls such as GMC and GCU will interface with GDUs

  • Ability to resize the GDU display(s) and remote controllers

  • Garmin GFC 700 AFCS interface — flight modes controlled by Gamin autopilot

  • Garmin FliteCharts - allow users to view published approach charts

  • Garmin SafeTaxi — allow users to view detailed airport information on the moving map

  • Airway interface — allow users to view and insert airways into the flight plan

  • Improved interface with simulator flight controls — allow users to use flight controllers such as yoke and rudder peddles.
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What set up do you have it running on? I have the old version around here somewhere. The folks at Westwind said it was cranky with too advanced of system. They actually had to back one down to get it to work for large screen demonstrations.

I never got it to load without an error and the oldest thing i had was an emachine 4200 P4/2gh with an ATI 7000. I gave up.

This new version looks like they got the kinks out. It would only be better if it worked with the CH yoke and pedals. Does it?
What set up do you have it running on? I have the old version around here somewhere. The folks at Westwind said it was cranky with too advanced of system. They actually had to back one down to get it to work for large screen demonstrations.

I never got it to load without an error and the oldest thing i had was an emachine 4200 P4/2gh with an ATI 7000. I gave up.

This new version looks like they got the kinks out. It would only be better if it worked with the CH yoke and pedals. Does it?

I'll tell you when I get it! Ordered it this morning after reading about it on a blog... I have the older version, and it works fine, even with the CH USB yoke and pedals. I have a document I put together (you can have a copy for free--just PM me) that details how to set it up to work with the CH yoke and rudder pedals (it's not intuitive).
Unfortunately, the machine I have capable of dual monitors is the new one, which unfortunately came with Vista.
The G1000 simulator is designed to operate only on Windows 2000 and XP platform. **Windows Vista not supported
Unfortunately, the machine I have capable of dual monitors is the new one, which unfortunately came with Vista.

Yeah, but I wonder if "not supported" = "doesn't work". It may be that their tech support doesn't want to "support" it. The G1000 Trainer uses DirectX as it's display medium, so you'd think it'd work!

My wife's new laptop is Vista; when I get the CD, I'll try it on her machine and let you know if it works....
REALLY wish the would support Mac OSX....I'll have to run it through bootcamp I guess...
Unfortunately, the machine I have capable of dual monitors is the new one, which unfortunately came with Vista.

Grant, GOOD NEWS!!!

I installed it on my wife's Vista Home Premium Toshiba laptop with 1GB RAM (15" screen) and it ran GREAT. No issues, no tweaks, no changes... ran fine right out of the box.

Her 4GB RAM upgrade is enroute from newEgg and I'm sure it will run even better, then. I'm leaving it installed, so she can practice with it. :)
Oh, the dual monitor setup is SWEET with this new software!! It works really well. Got the PFD up on the left, MFD on the right. Just need a new skinny monitor to hold the audio panel settings.

And, having access to TAWS, the chart view, VOR airways, the Garmin keypad from the Columbia, the autopilot controls... I've gotta go play for a while!
Grant, GOOD NEWS!!!

I installed it on my wife's Vista Home Premium Toshiba laptop with 1GB RAM (15" screen) and it ran GREAT. No issues, no tweaks, no changes... ran fine right out of the box.

Her 4GB RAM upgrade is enroute from newEgg and I'm sure it will run even better, then. I'm leaving it installed, so she can practice with it. :)
Thanks! I'm installing Flight Sim X right now. May need to spring for the new G1000 simulator; the one we have is the old $5.00 one.
I got mine today. It works pretty well, dual monitors and all.

I wish there was a little more interface as far as where to put your "plane". I can't seem to just leave it at zero airspeed at an airport. There must be a way, I just haven't figured it out yet.

Is it worth it? Yes!
I'm still running the Cessna G1000 Trainer version 4.02 on my machine, I should really order the new software. It sounds like a significant improvement over the buggy version I have now, plus I can use it on both of my monitors. Cool stuff.
I got mine today. It works pretty well, dual monitors and all.

I wish there was a little more interface as far as where to put your "plane". I can't seem to just leave it at zero airspeed at an airport. There must be a way, I just haven't figured it out yet.

Is it worth it? Yes!

Ross, on the MFD, press the Menu key TWICE to get to the simulator settings. You can set the present position of the aircraft to any location, and set the airspeed and altitude to any desired setting...
Hi Everyone,
I bought Garmin G1000 Sim, it seems to run fine on my win 7 64 bit machine. Responds to all buttons and knobs inputs, running it dual screen - seems to be
nice program. But how do you make the damn thing respond to yoke and rudder pedals input??? I can calubrate them just fine in the Options so I know the sim sees them. Do I need to enter some sort of 'flight mode' or something? The tachometer is stuck on 2200 rpm, airspeed is 0, altitude is 0 and except traffic alerts nothing goes on. Any ideas?
Welcome to POA! What yoke and pedals are you using? I have mine configured with CH Products, but it's not intuitive.
Welcome to POA! What yoke and pedals are you using? I have mine configured with CH Products, but it's not intuitive.
Thank you, great forum, glad I found it! I have CH too. How did you configure yours?
I want to buy this, but I can't find it on the Garmin website. Does anyone have the new link?


The newest version of the Garmin G1000 Trainer software finally supports dual monitors; I've got two LCDs and can put the PFD on the left, and the MFD on the right, and see both at the same time, working in unison.

Yoke and rudder pedals work better (their site says "peddles"... ha ha ha).

You can use the cool "FMS-style" controller that the Columbia has!

The only bad part--they raised the price from a nominal under-$10 CD and Shipping Fee to $24.95!

In any case, here's the new feature set:

  • Improved interface with Intel integrated graphics controllers

  • Dual computer monitor support

  • Dual GDU display — able to display PFD and MFD simultaneously

  • Remote Controllers — additional controls such as GMC and GCU will interface with GDUs

  • Ability to resize the GDU display(s) and remote controllers

  • Garmin GFC 700 AFCS interface — flight modes controlled by Gamin autopilot

  • Garmin FliteCharts - allow users to view published approach charts

  • Garmin SafeTaxi — allow users to view detailed airport information on the moving map

  • Airway interface — allow users to view and insert airways into the flight plan

  • Improved interface with simulator flight controls — allow users to use flight controllers such as yoke and rudder peddles.
I want to buy this, but I can't find it on the Garmin website. Does anyone have the new link?

Here you go Ben:


I used Garmin's "Search" box with "Garmin PC Trainer" in the fields. You're right, it's not easy to find. They should have a link for the trainer software right off the G1000 page (if they do, I couldn't find it).
Dig up an old thread:

Do I need MSFS to use this? I have a machine running XP Home that should do fine with it. I have it connected to a WS TV type monitor. Is this like MSFS but with G1000? A little confused...

Is it really worth the 30 bux or can I just learn the G1000 by using the 430/530 sim for free?
Jaybird, no, it has nothing to do with MSFS (and this is VERY GOOD!).

Yes, it is worth $30 if you want to have a true G1000 simulator, whatever you get in MSFS is a very poor representation of G1000. But please note - this is strictly procedural simulator, there is no window/scenery to look at and there is no flight modelling of any kind (for example you can climb in SR22 with 6000 fpm or reduce your speed to 0 mid air :wink2:). But for someone who wants to learn about G1000 as a stepping stone for flying on a real G1000-equipped aircraft it is absolutely a wonderful tool.
Can the 8.xx versions run a PFD and MFD on one screen yet? I'm currently on a Dell but moving to a new iMac and so my question really is for the Mac folks. Will I need a second monitor to see both PFD/MFD simultaneously? And what is your preference on Bootcamp vs Virtual Machine?
For future references please start a new thread for such purposes. I've read though half the page thinking "hasn't this happened already" before I noticed the date.