Fun with Deer...

New Year's Eve, I was on my second training flight and had already scared the... snot out of myself with a less then stellar takeoff... And return to the airport, quite dark, was way behind the airplane and just as the wheels touched down, two deer appear at the very end of what our landing lights illuminate. Already too slow to go around and way too fast to get it stopped... Just prayed they'd be gone by the time we got there.

Probably not as close as it felt, but that flight was rough on my heart.
There's a moose at Laconia in upper NH that is not afraid of airplanes.

generally speaking, moose fear very little in this world....

Now if it's a Murphy Moose, all bets are off.

A moose who wasn't scared.
My last PPL student XC was to Portage, WI. I did a low approach because, well I was a student and didn't get setup for landing early enough, when I came around again I landed and all was well. Started to taxi back and deer crossed behind me. I taxied to them and ran the engine up a bit to scare them off, did a short field take-off and went home.

At MWC I've left early in the AM a few times and had to taxi down the runway to clear the sea gulls. damn flying rats.
My last PPL student XC was to Portage, WI. I did a low approach because, well I was a student and didn't get setup for landing early enough....

No silly. That was an intentional low approach to scope out the field for safety and preparation. And also to scare away any animals. :yes:
I was sitting right seat in a small plane flying into a dirt strip in Botswana and about 1/2 way down the runway an elephant starts to come out of the bush towards the runway. Thankfully as we got closer he turned back into the bush. When we were getting out of the plane, he finished his quest.

Then we noticed 2 ostriches standing near the windsock which was alongside the strip.

Any of those would have hurt....:hairraise: