Line Up and Wait
Started working on one of my 2008 resolutions today by doing my first multi training in a Cougar. What a hoot!!! Wx was great, the darn thing just jumped off the runway....might have had something to do with pilot input.... We didn't start any single engine stuff, just flying the plane, getting the sight picture (odd not seeing the nose of the airplane), steep turns, slow flight, stalls, etc. It was just a fun airplane to fly!
And ya know what made it more fun? The Cougar is supposed to based out of JYO, but it was down at HEF. I swear, I don't know how to drive to HEF .......... So, I flew the Trinnie to HEF, and invited my CFI to go along, if he wanted to. Funny thing, he said Yes!!
You know what else I learned today? It's so much easier flying the Trinnie when my CFI is just a pax, than when he's on the job.
Anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed myself today, so I just might have to continue with the multi. Have to do a BFR this year, so might as well get another rating, doncha think?
And ya know what made it more fun? The Cougar is supposed to based out of JYO, but it was down at HEF. I swear, I don't know how to drive to HEF .......... So, I flew the Trinnie to HEF, and invited my CFI to go along, if he wanted to. Funny thing, he said Yes!!
You know what else I learned today? It's so much easier flying the Trinnie when my CFI is just a pax, than when he's on the job.
Anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed myself today, so I just might have to continue with the multi. Have to do a BFR this year, so might as well get another rating, doncha think?