Cap'n Jack
Final Approach
I found this in the Royal Society of Chemistry web site:
A few excerpts:
The process called "cracking" was mentioned in the article. The process I know about breaks large hydrocarbons to shorter ones, so fits the description above.
I recognize the Royal Society of Chemistry doesn't have too many fools...but running a Spitfire on 87 octane- anyone have thoughts on how well that worked? Maybe they made the engine strong and lived with detonation?
They end with:
Contact info at the link above if you can challenge or support the claim...
A few excerpts:
In the year that sees the 70th anniversary of the outbreak of the Second World War, a previously untold story has emerged of how, through a "miracle" chemical breakthrough, Spitfire and Hurricane fighters gained the edge over German fighters to win the Battle of Britain.
The Royal Society of Chemistry read the claims about Eugene Houdry, and his process at the Sun Oil Company, in a paper written originally for the journal Invention and Technology by American science writer Tim Palucka.
The introduction to the paper by Palucka says of Houdry: "His miraculous catalyst turned nearly worthless sludge into precious high-octane gasoline and helped the Allies to win World War II."
He continued: "That process would make a crucial difference in mid-1940 when the Royal Air Force started filling its Spitfires and Hurricanes with the 100-octane gasoline imported from the United States instead of the 87-octane gasoline it had formerly used."
The 100-octane fuel that resulted from the Houdry Process increased the Spitfire's speed by 25 mph at sea level by 34 mph at 10,000 feet.
This extra speed gave the British fighters in the summer of 1940 the edge over the Luftwaffe above the English Channel and in the skies of London and south-east England.
With the balance tipped towards the British, the German invasion was abandoned and Hitler turned eastwards, allowing the UK armed forces time to regroup and to revive.
"Luftwaffe pilots couldn't believe they were facing the same planes they had fought successfully over France a few months before. The planes were the same but the fuel wasn't," said Palucka.
The process called "cracking" was mentioned in the article. The process I know about breaks large hydrocarbons to shorter ones, so fits the description above.
I recognize the Royal Society of Chemistry doesn't have too many fools...but running a Spitfire on 87 octane- anyone have thoughts on how well that worked? Maybe they made the engine strong and lived with detonation?
They end with:
The RSC is inviting experts and the public to challenge the new claim and if it remains intact then the society will send the report to aviation and military historians to mark the newly-discovered contribution of chemists to victory in one of the key battles.
Contact info at the link above if you can challenge or support the claim...