Fuel Tank Cracks - have me baffled.

The west Texas way is apparently to run hose from a pickup exhaust into the tank for 10mins, then have at it. Having doubts about that being 100% effective
Yea, well, west Texas, what can I say.:rofl:

I'll stick to bubbling it overnight. It's not like it's hard.
curious how the welder inerts the tank, still hearing about boom events from such repairs, let us know what technique is used.
I just run a hose from the car exhaust, and let it run while I'm welding. Works good on steel tanks, not tried it on aluminum. Not certian about
infusing carbon from the exhaust in the weld.
But I would think any inert gas such as argon would work just fine.
The main thing to remember is that fire requires 3 things, remove any one, and you get no ignition.