Hi Guys, let me try and get this question back on track because there are a lot of tangents in this thread.
#1 - Don't get hung up on the fact that it's a C-172P, I need to make a few more for other airplanes on the ramp so aircraft model is irrelevant.
#2 - I know how to make a fuel dip stick so no need to post instructions on how to calibrate one, what materials to use, etc.
#3 - The only difference between putting Usable vs Total Fuel on the stick is the number written next to the lines. So for example, if an aircraft has 13 gallons total per tank but only 12 gallons usable per tank, then the top line indicating FULL on the dip stick would say 13 if I go with Total fuel, and 12 if I go with Usable.
To Clarify - My question is which number, Total or Usable, is better to have on a fuel stick? For example, which one is better for calculating fuel burn? Which fuel number do you guys use for flight planning and should the number on the fuel stick match the calculations on your flight plan, or weight and balance, or does it have no impact? What do most GA aircraft gauges allegedly show (usable I think) and would it be better if that matched the stick? Dipping the fuel and seeing Total, might mean someone makes a mistake and thinks they have more fuel in the tank than they actually do. These are the types of questions I'm trying to weigh the pros and cons of because I've heard arguments that TOTAL is better for accurate and faster planning and calculations but Usable is more relevant and applicable in daily life.