FTG breakfast run


Touchdown! Greaser!
Jun 7, 2008
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Dunno where to yet but may as well plan a flight from the Denver area on Saturday or Sunday morning. Who's on board?

edit: prolly not going to BDU or LMO...
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I can do either day since I'm still rehearsing being retired...
Greeley and Erie probably aren't a good idea either. Pueblo or La Junta? It's also the Leadville pancake breakfast in Saturday.
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Pueblo or La Junta?

I may have a unique option in the hills. Have to check on x-port tomorrow morning. Easy flight in terms of altitude required - 10.5 outbound and 11.5 back for most direct. Can do lower by following interstate...

Leadville is a good idea too - cheap gas!
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Unable. Working 0800-2000 every day UFN.
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Tentatively heading to Leadville for some pancakes with dad on Saturday.
also unable ... last weekend for chasing elk with a smoke pole. Opening weekend was pre-empted by wet carpets. :(
Leadville is looking like the place to go - 3.85 for gas - pancakes from 6:30 to 10:30 so will have to go early
Leadville is looking like the place to go - 3.85 for gas - pancakes from 6:30 to 10:30 so will have to go early
You get to name the departure time since I'm the one with the thumb in the air.
I'm thinking off the ground by 8 so we can be back out of the hills before the weather turns us into a pumpkin.
I'm thinking off the ground by 8 so we can be back out of the hills before the weather turns us into a pumpkin.
OK I'll be out there a little before 8 on Saturday. I wouldn't want to turn into a pumpkin although I would match the present color of my house...
OK I'll be out there a little before 8 on Saturday. I wouldn't want to turn into a pumpkin although I would match the present color of my house...

Great! - Anybody else? flying or riding along? (note - house does not have to be pumpkin colored)
(note - house does not have to be pumpkin colored)
I already did the windows but I'm stalling on the siding until returning to work seems somewhere on the near horizon, or at least the nearer horizon. Airplanes aren't the only things that cost money. :crazy:
For all of you who didn't go...


This was at KFTG this morning.


Looking north towards Breckenridge and Dillon Lake.


Some trees are starting to turn color up there.


Some of the people who came for pancakes.


Only picture I took of the Frankenkota. Thanks for the ride, Clark!
The C130's been there for a few days. Came in from Kentucky.
No pancakes for Murphey?

I forgot to turn on the alarm clock. So Murphey & I shared brunch - I had an omelet and he got a scrambled egg in his dog food.

Estimate of airplanes that appeared? And how were the Xwinds on the return?
For all of you who didn't go... Thanks for the ride, Clark!

Thanks for the pancakes.

Did you see the SUV parked backwards on the median guardrail on I-70? They definitely had an airbag deployment. Our flight was safer than their drive wherever...
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I forgot to turn on the alarm clock. So Murphey & I shared brunch - I had an omelet and he got a scrambled egg in his dog food.

Estimate of airplanes that appeared? And how were the Xwinds on the return?

Seems like we heard quite a few airplanes. I'm guessing maybe 10-15 during the time we were there. There were already airplanes leaving when we arrived. Didn't seem like there was much wind at all at KFTG when we returned. Clark probably has a better idea. I was busy sightseeing.

Your eggs were probably better than the ones they served but hey, it's the experience that counts. :rofl:
I forgot to turn on the alarm clock. So Murphey & I shared brunch - I had an omelet and he got a scrambled egg in his dog food.

Estimate of airplanes that appeared? And how were the Xwinds on the return?

Probably 20 or 25 that we saw. We arrived in the morning rush apparently, between the time we checked in and the time were on final, we were 8th to arrive with two right behind us.

Winds back at FTG were calm when we got back at about 11.

And how were the Xwinds on the return?

The winds were more than forecast but not bad. I didn't find any ridge lift departing to the south from LXV - finally found a little help after making a left turn north of Buena Vista. Got one 1,000 fpm up and that was it for the return trip. Had some 1,000 fpm up over Mosquito pass on the way out. Really didn't need it by then.

The temperature at LXV was the problem by the time we left - the only guy that could really climb was the RV. The 'kota definitely didn't like it and we were about 89% of max gross after swilling cheap gas.

FTG was benign. Followed a twin Cezzna and a Bo in for landing on 26 with an Airacoupe (spelling I'm sure) waiting to depart.
I'm sure they have pancakes in NC. :)
They do indeed. The local EAA chapter is very active and has a pancake breakfast every month. My flying club has a cookout every month. And then, of course, I've been exploring good flying places to eat; one of the best near me is the Pik 'N' Pig on a private airfield (http://www.pik-n-pig.com/). (No wonder I gained weight!)

And, although I haven't tried it yet, there's a South Carolina breakfast club that looks very interesting (http://www.flyscbc.com/)