Oh boy can I relate. I was working towards my SPL in the summer of 2010 and I was right about to solo at the end of the summer. In fact, my instructor said I was pretty much ready to solo and that weather permitting, I would do it my next time out. This was late August 2010. I didn't get to fly again until mid May 2011, because I couldn't make it back out to the airport before school started. Frustrating, but if you stick with it, it's totally worth it!
Also, if there's another FBO around, I think it's definitely worth it to take a plane out. If they don't want your instructor in their airplanes for whatever reason, it's DEFINITELY worth going up with another instructor from time to time. Mine left town for a week right after I soloed and I flew with another instructor that week and learned a TON.
Hope everything works out!