Front Range (Colorado) & Steamboat


Touchdown! Greaser!
PoA Supporter
Aug 21, 2008
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Anyone going to the airshow this weekend (9/5, 9/6) in Steamboat? I'm looking for a ride (share costs, of course)
I hadn't thought about it but could give it a shot. Where's Steamboat? ;)
I hadn't thought about it but could give it a shot. Where's Steamboat? ;)


Airshow starts at 11 am, Don Nelson is flying his Sukoi (surprise...not) and Dagmar's flying the Pitts. Don't know any of the other performers.
depart about 8:30 or so?

Do I need mountain traing for this flight?
Be careful kids.....

Storming pretty good up here in the northern rockies / tetons tonight....

Supposed to get a dumping of snow tomorrow night...:):)
Be careful kids.....

Storming pretty good up here in the northern rockies / tetons tonight....

Supposed to get a dumping of snow tomorrow night...:):)

Weather and mountains? whatever should I do????

Did I ever tell ya'll 'bout the time I flew home from Dixon in a snowstorm?
Well, 4 take-offs and 4 landings for an out-and-back to SBS. Saw some boring flying and so showy flying at SBS.

How did I get 4 take-offs and 4 landings you might ask? It was a bit gusty at SBS on took me three trys to keep it off the ground...
Glad you two are home safe...

Any pics of the event???


I took a few picts on the trip over. Will try to post them later. Didn't take any at the show. Kinda difficult to capture the smooooooothness of Dagmar's flying (in a Pitts no less) or the raw power (for a piston) of Don Nelson's performance with a still. The little RV's were cute but their performance was ragged.

The moment when the air boss launched an RV at a T-28 was classic airshow screw-up and also would be difficult to show in a still. The pilot's did keep the Boss's tit out of the ringer but I'm sure they weren't happy.

I will also say that I don't think Murphey even noticed the flight. She was enamored with the stratus data displayed on foreflight the entire time. I think she is probably putting together a rasberry.pi system right now...
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Well, 4 take-offs and 4 landings for an out-and-back to SBS. Saw some boring flying and so showy flying at SBS.

How did I get 4 take-offs and 4 landings you might ask? It was a bit gusty at SBS on took me three trys to keep it off the ground...
I was so busy playing with the Stratus that I didn't even notice the multiple takeoffs.
Let's see if this works for posting photos....

Somewheres over the North Park Basin (Southwest of Walden for those not up on where the basins are)


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only letting me post one photo at a time


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so that was the view of the scattered/broken layer to the left, forward, and right on the way to Steamboat. It was similar on the way back with a few widely scattered rain showers thrown in.

Winds aloft were more than forecast, they ranged from 20 to 45 knots so the ride was bumpy with plenty of up and down drafts which were generally less than 500 fpm. A few got my attention in the ususal places - the Front Range north of Fort Collins is almost always bad with winds like that. We stayed under the rotors so no real excitment...


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so that was the view of the scattered/broken layer to the left, forward, and right on the way to Steamboat. It was similar on the way back with a few widely scattered rain showers thrown in.

Winds aloft were more than forecast, they ranged from 20 to 45 knots so the ride was bumpy with plenty of up and down drafts which were generally less than 500 fpm. A few got my attention in the ususal places - the Front Range north of Fort Collins is almost always bad with winds like that. We stayed under the rotors so no real excitment...

I can barely see it,, but it looks like your forests are devastated worse then ours by the beetle kill...:yikes:
I can barely see it,, but it looks like your forests are devastated worse then ours by the beetle kill...:yikes:

It's pretty bad up through the Snowy Range and Sierra Madre Range.
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Sorry I missed it but some need to labor on Labor Day weekend. Actually not laboring much, laboring starts tomorrow. Steamboat is a tad bit further than my on-call leash, though.
Sorry I missed it but some need to labor on Labor Day weekend. Actually not laboring much, laboring starts tomorrow. Steamboat is a tad bit further than my on-call leash, though.

We missed you too but have target practice scheduled...