Former Cape Air Pilot Gets Jail for Lying

Man, I hate seeing stuff like that. I don't particularly mind if he kills himself, but I do mind if he kills PAX in the process. Sounds like a pretty good job by the student pilot.
And I'm SURE FAA hates it, too. It's a good bet Senator Kerry's aides had already called Dr. Tilton to put on the heat......
Wow. I have flow that airline a lot. Thank G-d that someone with some flying experience was on board.
This is the second such incident reported in the last week or so. It really torques me off to no end.

I'm a type I diabetic and jump through any number of hoops annually to maintain my medical and expect, no demand, others act as responsible.
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So does the FAA. They referred the case for prosecution. Good on you Kevin.

Right now I am trying to convice a Mom not to tell her 20 y.o. son to just LIE (e.g, omit, little type makes is less of a lie, I guess) about his ADHD and recurrent use of meds in college.

They will come down on an offender like a load of BRICKS and the offender will be wishing had had not been born....
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