Forelight For iPad and Navigation

Can you use it, certainly, can you rely on it with your life? That is a more difficult question to answer with a positive. What you have to take into consideration is the terrain gradient vs climb gradient. Look on the Low IFR chart and get the MEA and calculate where you can make that altitude. If you can make it to that altitude before you get to the terrain, you are safe to make the climb on the airway even if you drop the VOR at the beginning.

A little late to the party, Henning?
Ended up having to cancel the flight for tonight. I put in quite a bit of time planning the flight and becoming familiar with the area, but the plane had a maintenance issue last minute. What a bummer, but I guess I'll just have to plan it again soon.

There'll always be another chance to fly. Good luck and sorry that one didn't work out.
Can you use it, certainly, can you rely on it with your life? That is a more difficult question to answer with a positive. What you have to take into consideration is the terrain gradient vs climb gradient.

Isn't that what happened recently with the Washington mountain crash in July. The granddaughter was the only survivor and had to walk for a few days before she was rescued. I thought I read the pilot flew into IMC and was using non-certified GPS, but I can't remember for sure.
Isn't that what happened recently with the Washington mountain crash in July. The granddaughter was the only survivor and had to walk for a few days before she was rescued. I thought I read the pilot flew into IMC and was using non-certified GPS, but I can't remember for sure.

Not familiar, but wouldn't be surprised. Wouldn't have been the first, likely won't be the last, to fly IFR on equipment not intended for it.